JUNE, 2011
As presented by Onyerisara and Aisiku (1982)
“The introduction of western education into Nigeria
dates back to the year 1842, whom the invitation
of some Yoruba immigrants from Sierra Leone who
had settled in Bandaging some 50 Kilometers west
of Lagos, the Wesley, a Methodist society sent
Rev. Father Birch Freeman from Cape Coast where
has had been the super intendments of the
Methodist Mission”
Fafunwa (1974) African Traditional Education and
Quranic System Predicate western forms of
education in Nigeria. To Fafunwa, African
Traditional Education symbolizes the values, norms,
and ways of life and training of the youths to
maturity in Africa. Fafunwa (1974) Quranic System
became or seem to cover African Traditional in the
northern parts of Nigeria.
Fafunwa, (1982) “African education is the second
rate education imported from France, Britain, or
Spain the imperial powers that dominated the
political and commercial life of the African
continent over three hundred years.”
The Oxford Advanced Learners Dictionary defined
education: “the process of teaching, training, and
learning especially in schools or colleges, to
improve knowledge and develop skills”.
Oraegbunam (2004) the basic aim of education is
to develop an individual mentally,
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socially, morally so that the learner can be useful
to the society, and to all. Nwankpa, (2004)
educational planners are constantly trying to
introduce changes into the educational system as
new discoveries are about human learning or as the
society changes” or as new development appear in
science and technology as indicated by Nwankpa,
(1997). Olatunjo and Akanwa, (2004) education
touches on every fabrics of human endeavor and it
is one of the biggest industries in Nigeria National
Policy on Education 1981 expressed that education
serves as the vehicle for national development.
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Ezeugo (2004) saw education as a process and
discipline. Education has a concern which all
societies share. It closely associated with the life
and well being of the society itself. According to
Plato, a good education consists in giving to the
body and soul all the beauty and perfection
necessary for the realization of societal norms and
aspirations. Ukeje (1984) education as a process
and discipline. Dewey, (1966) saw education as
experience in experiencing. Ebouh (1984) Ukeje
continued that education is used to produce an
effective, durable,intelligent, emotional, and
complete man. There shall be plans in education
as to achieve this aims in this definitions. We will
first define some terms which will help in the
study. According to Edem, (1982) unplanned
education is education already in crisis. It therefore
shows there are needs for a sound educational
planning, fir it will do the following work and
• Help educational administrators plan Nigeria
• It will help policy makers make better policies.
• It will help education administrators in general.
• It will help in budget making.
• It develops the systems of education.
• It leads to effective functional education.
• It dedicates to look at policies, rules, budgets,
and other things made by the administrators, etc.
Planning is a structure objective and paths set for
achievement f given goal. Wikipedia defined
planning as used to describe the formal procedures
used in such an Endeavour, such as creation of
documents diagrams, or meetings to discuss the
important issues objectives, strategy to use and
administered. Planning indicates what one is doing
and differentiates ambition from goals. It sates how
goals are to be achieved.
Another definition of
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planning is a process for accomplishing purposes.
It is the blue print of business organization growth
or failure, road map to development. An
organization without organizational planning is
already a failure, and is said to be working towards
failure. Planning helps in deciding both in
quantitative and qualitative terms. It is setting of
goals on the basis of objective and keeping in the
resources, (Amakoye, 2004). Olayemi, (2000)
agreed that planning as constructed plans to which
growth and extension is expected. It has to be
regulated as to make most advantages of it.
Planning sets to work the objectives… There are
three purposes of planning. It helps management to
clarity, focus and researches their business
prospects. Precede logical framework within a
business can develop and pursue business
strategies over some years and finally, planning
offers a bench mark against which actual
performance can be measured and reverenced.
A man who rejects planning, claiming planning
does not pay has willingly and carefully accepted
that his failure is not by chance but choice. The
fact was made well clear and accepted by
There are many types of training to which
educational planning is one of them: Architectural
planning, comprehensive planning, business plan,
even planning and production, family planning, land
use planning, market plan, urban planning,
contingency planning.
Planning is fundamental activity in human
enterprise, basically every mature person engages
in one type of plan or the other... Individuals make
for important life activities such as erecting a
house, getting married education, setting up some
business. Communities embark on community
needs; such plans include construction community
roads, providing pipe-borne water, rural
electrification, health centers, and schools.
Government as well does make plans to cater for
the needs essential services and amenities such as
transportation, healthcare railway, agriculture and
food production, education, roads, water, and
electricity. All these reflect some notions of the
concepts of planning in the minds of the people.
The word planning has received various definitions
by various people, Greg, (1957), describes planning
as an intelligent preparation for action. Nwachukwu,
(1988), is the view that the essence of planning is
to prepare for and predict future events. It is the
blue for action and failure to plan give rise to
inefficiency and lack of direction.
Dror, (1963) defines planning as the process of
preparing a set of decisions for action in the future,
directed at achieving goals, by optional means. In
each of these definitions, planning represents the
acts of getting prepared in advance or preparing an
action ahead of time to achieve a desired
objective. Planning is considered the back bone of
successful business enterprise.
It is vital and inevitable process in the pursuit of
organizational goals. Without proper planning
organizations loses focus and direction and
become susceptible to the whims and caprices of
the leader and external forces as well which make
the realization of organizational goals impossible.
Combs, (1974), defines planning as the process of
educational development with the aim of making
more effective and efficient in responding to the
media and goals of its student and the society.
Nwankwo, (1985) warns that educational planning
is not a panacea for all the actual or imagined ills
of the educational system. He goes on to define it
as a way that the goals and purpose of education
will be sufficiently realized in future with the
available resources. Educational planning deals with
how to harness the available human and material
resources to achieve educational goals.
These methods can be summarized under four
principal headings namely social demand
approach, the manpower requirement approach,
rate of return cost benefit approach synthetic
The social demand approach: this is the planning
to meet the private demand for education on the
part of the student or their parents. In other words,
it is an attempt to satisfy on the part of students or
their families. In other words, it is an attempt to
satisfy people’s demand for school places for
those who wish and can gain from education.
Akanbou (1982) asserted that this approach has
become a common tool of education planning in
Nigeria, but large restricted to the first and second
level of education. The approach has featured all
along in time. Nigeria educational planning, but
became most prominent in the Third National
Development Planning, 1975-80. the expansion of
teachers training institutions establishment of some
new universities and the improvement in aids in
terms of loans and scholarships to students.
Moreover in 1978, university education became
tuition free. The UPE scheme, apart from making
primary education opportunities available to willing
children of school age, age planned to make it
compulsory by 1982.
Social demand approach may socially and
politically expedient but cannot over shadow the
inherent problems. Through linear expansion within
the last decade. This has resulted in over
populated schools and over crowed classrooms.
Thus, Ukeje, (1982) cautioned, that the phenomena
of over crowded classrooms and over populated
schools with the presentation of unqualified
teachers and with handily and teaching equipment
and materials require special leaders in education.
It is really necessary to sound a warning here
because an observation of the Nigerian educational
system since the UPE experiments shows that there
has been drastic effects on explosion enrolments,
teacher demand and supply and shortages of each
other facilities and finance. According to Akangbou,
(1982), these are the usual implication for adopting
the social demand approach.
In addition the approach has severe economic
implications. All levels of education in most
countries are subsidized to some extent. In the
sense that fees are wither or set well below unit
cost… Also, social demand approach to
educational planning. Sometimes draws from
comprises and adopting the expenditure norms of
other countries. But this is unrealistic because
there are no equivalent levels of income per head,
equivalent mixes of formal education and on the
job training and equivalent educational system.
Blang reasoned that copying other countries is
almost always sign of irrational planning. In view of
the above social approach to educational planning
is inherently unsatisfactory.
• It helps to meet the private demands for
education on the part of students and their parents.
• It can be influenced by increase or reduction of
school fees.
• Social demand is a rich means to achieve mass
literacy; hence education is for all who demands
for it.
• It has effects o explosion on environments
• An acute shortage of facilities
• Lack of adequate fund
• Tends to over estimate popular demands and
under estimation of cost
• High rates of unemployment due to over-
production in man-power.
• Over-population and over crowded classrooms..
• Inadequate facilities from the above assertions, if
managed well.
The social demand approach can go a long way to
offer education to all who require it at a minimal
disadvantage and an optional result.
The social aims at the production of the manpower
needed for the sustenance of the economy, it
placed great emphasis on the manpower needs of
the society in giving education. According to
Nwankwo, (1981) the basic of this approach is to
forecast requirement or needs of the economy, or
the relative distribution of trained people in the
various required by labor market to produce a
certain level of development for given period.
Many economists prefer the manpower to
educational planning because economic growth is
the spring of a nation’s over all development and
so should play a leading role in the allocation of its
resources. Economic growth requires only physical
resources to organize and use them. Thus the
development of human resources through the
educational system is an important pre-requisite to
economic growth and a good investment of scarce
resources, provided the pattern and the quality of
educational out put is that school to the economy’s
man power needs. The assumption of this
approach is that school is a human industry where
the power needed by the society need to be
This approach holds very promising package
nations where there exists a persistent shortage of
the right kind and number of workers. National
development and advancement call for precise
shells and the number of people with sun skills.
Many developing nations has benefited from this
method of educational planning. In Nigeria, one can
recall that they ASBY commission of 1960 used
manpower requirement approach in working out the
statistics for higher education expansion during
1960-80. The modalities were worked out by late
professor Harrison and the approach used is known
as Harrison is rule-of-thumb. The report, assumed
that if the nation’s economy was to achieve four
percent rate of economic growth, the senior and
intermediate manpower should grow 8-13 percent
Ghana has also benefited from this approach 66
most nations today are development minded. The
less developed countries which have been poor for
many years, appear to be in a state of revolt
against poverty, ignorance and dominance by
stronger nations and they are no longer disposed.
It appears to entrust their futures exclusively to the
forces of the market. The sologen for the wide
revolution is development.
Development in this regard is the human resources
development which is the process of increasing the
knowledge, the skills and capacities of all the
people in a society. In economic terms, it means
the communication of human capital and its
effective investment in the development of an
economy. Human resources can be developed in
many ways. The most obvious is by formal
education. Secondly, human resources can be
developed through on the job training. An avenue
for such development is through self development
as individuals seek to acquire greater knowledge,
skills or capabilities through correspondence or by
learning from others through informal contracts.
Of all the methods of human resource
development, education seems to be the best.
Alfred Marshall emphasized the importance of
education as a national investment and in his view
the most valuable of the capital is that invested in
human beings. Human resource development
therefore may be a more realistic and reliable
indicator of development of growth; social,
political, cultural or economic. Nigeria is a country
not shouts sighted about the importance of
manpower development as means of manpower
The need for this was a result of abundant natural
resources which Nigeria is blessed with, yet it
suffers on a continuous basis, acute shortage of
basic necessities. The presence of an abundant
natural resources like mineral, water, forests, and
human beings is not a guarantee that the wealth of
that nation and its living condition will be
This is because natural resources can exists but
may not be discovered or exploited. Infarct that
was the situation in Nigeria for a long time in order
to exploit these natural resources and increase the
nation’s wealth, the human agents must be
provided or made available. The process by which
the educational system produces human skills for
the country’s labor force is known as manpower
production. The production of educated manpower,
however as to control as the aim is too produced
skilled that will require in the future so as to
achieve the estimated economic growth targets.
The process of doing such has become known as
manpower forecasting. Generally, there are various
ways manpower forecasting can be undertaken. Six
methods have become popular over time.
These are:
1. The employment opinion method.
2. The Harbison is rule of thumb method.
3. The incremental labor output ration.
4. The destiny ratio method.
5. The panes-Mediterranean regional project
6. The international comparison method.
7. The employer’s opinion method.
The employers opinion method of forecasting
manpower needs is the simplest of all methods
essentially involves asking employers through the
use of questionnaires, how much and what kind of
labor they expect to employ during the next few
years, when the questionnaires are filled by the
various employers, then all the estimates of the
quality and the quality of labor to be hired will be
added together. From this total those estimated to
be retiring, dying, and in some cases migrating
during the period will be subtracted to obtain
forecast of the increase in effective demand for
educated manpower by the target year.
Harbison, rule of thumb method. This method was
first adopted by Professor F. Harbison in 1960. it
states that the amount of intermediate and the
senior level of manpower to be required by an
country should be related to the expected income
growth of that country. He believed that the ratio of
national income to senior level manpower 1:2:3:
this ration was not based on any empirical or
scientific analysis, this method can lead to a gross
under-estimation especially in the developing
countries where income growth rate is mainly
externally determined.
Incremental labor output ratio method
This method requires the use of time serves data,
that is by years for a period of time, it is based on
the labor and output relationship, is believed that
an increase in output level with determine the likely
increase in labor demand. Labor here refers to a
particular type of manpower in an occupational
category while output refers to national income or
industrial output, this method is not possible to
adopt to adopt in Nigeria.
The destiny ratio-method
This method is sometimes referred to as the ratio
of saturation. The Russians have made use of this
approach in making long term educated manpower
forecast. Two stages are involved in making in this
Firstly, there will be an estimation of the stable of
qualified manpower in the labor force of an
economic sector of the country. For example, in
the manufacturing sector of Nigeria, how many
workers and engineers? This number of workers are
divided from the total number of workers that
Secondly, the stable fraction obtained is the
applied to the forecast of the total labor force as
distributed among the various economic sectors.
The international comparison method
This method arose from the discovery that country
without adequate manpower data and information
but has similar characteristics within without
manpower data and information but has similar
characteristics within any other country that had
such data.
The panes- Mediterranean regional method
This method was developed in 1962 as a result of
the efforts of the organization for economic
community and development to produce
educational plans based on a common conceptual
framework for the countries in the Mediterranean
This methods is very advantageous, it aims at
maximizing productivity by marching expected
demand for skills with supply. The manpower
requirement approach seeks to determine
employment vacancies ever the students are
achieved. It checks educated unemployment by
ensuring that the required education is given in
consonance with the requirement of the society.
Education poses a threat to ignorance. Educational
planning management clears the threat of the
uncompleted assigned, unfinished, abandoned
promises projects, policies and promise and
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