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  • How Social
    Media is
    by Lori Wade
    There’s no denying that, ever since social
    networks and social media made way into
    our lives, everything is different. Beginning
    with the way we socialize, interact, plan for
    parties or even how often we go out. We
    won’t go into a debate regarding the ethical
    aspects of the way Social Media is
    influencing our lives. Instead, this article
    proposes to focus on the numerous ways in
    which social media is changing the way the
    education system works. So, stay tuned to
    find out what effects does social
    networking have on the way our children are
    educated both at school and outside of it.
    Empowering Effects
    Starting from elementary school up until
    university graduation, social media has the
    role to empower parents, students and
    teachers to use new ways of sharing
    information and build a community.
    Statistics show that 96% of the students
    that have internet access are using at least
    one social network. What’s even more
    extraordinary is that, even though some of
    the students use the social networks for
    entertaining and other purposes, there are a
    lot of them that actually use it to promote a
    lot of positive and useful activities. From
    finding a summer internship, promoting a
    success story about how to win the
    student-loan battle or collaborate on
    international projects, everything is made
    Implementation in Schools?
    When it comes to social media, schools
    tend to adopt different positions. It’s a
    general consensus that they’re useful when
    it comes to sharing information or
    organizing the school tasks. And at the
    same time, the social networking is blamed
    for the lack of attention in students during
    But an increasing trend of adopting social
    media in school is starting to show. And
    since students already devote a lot of time
    for social media and connecting with others
    outside school hours, why not do it during
    school as well?
    It’s a matter of practicability, really,
    because it makes perfect sense to use the
    online universe to communicate with your
    students since they’re already there most of
    the time. There’s no need for another case
    study about the usage of social media in
    schools. You simply need to walk through
    the hallways of any school or colleague to
    see kids of all ages totally immersed in
    their smartphones. Browsing their news
    feed, sharing photos on Instagram of
    sending Snapchat messages has become a
    part of their daily routine.
    How Can Teachers Penetrate the Online
    Moodle and Blackboard are just two
    examples of learning management system
    that involves online learning for more than
    10 years now. Slowly but steady, such
    systems will lead to the actual
    implementation of social media within
    classrooms. And the best tool available for
    teachers is social media itself. Only by
    being open-minded and using the
    technology themselves will they be able to
    really reach out to students.
    “ The best teachers I’ve ever had have used
    technology to enhance the learning process,
    including Facebook pages and events for
    upcoming projects” – Katie Benmar,
    As the above statement emphasizes,
    students also react very positively when a
    teacher is willing to use their methods and
    adapt them as part of the educational
    process. And it makes perfect sense since
    a homework has a certain strictness about
    it, but an online chat discussing a certain
    book gives students the ability to open up
    and share their opinions.
    Daring Teachers
    Of course, the examples of teachers already
    implementing social media in classes are
    far numerous that we can know of, however,
    there are a few that did such a great job
    that their students almost made them viral.
    For example, a biology teacher from Bergen
    County proposed a challenge to his
    students. They had to debate over the
    subject of meiosis on Twitter by using a
    specific hashtag. This is a great opportunity
    for students to have fun and learn at the
    same time. As you need to know your
    meiosis in order to compress it into 140
    “ We live in a digital ecosystem, and it is
    vital that educational institutions adapt ”
    Carla Dawson – Digital Marketing Professor
    at the Catholic University of Cordoba
    Professor Dawson really has a valid point
    there as history showed us all that, no
    matter how strong the resistance,
    technological progress and new trends will
    eventually become a standard. Of course,
    this applies to developed countries that
    already have a well-structured traditional
    educational system. It’s a totally different
    situation when it comes to developing
    countries that are still struggling to find
    their way.
    A Stronger Community Through Social
    The benefits of social media in the
    education process doesn’t have to stop at
    the teacher-student relationship. There are a
    lot of other benefits that can be extracted
    from the use of social networking at higher
    levels as well. For example, principals or
    administrators can find a new way to
    integrate social media. Like sharing school
    news via social networks, holding online
    meeting with the parents or even starting
    fundraising for different projects.
    And social media can quickly become the
    only channel of communication since we’re
    living fast-paced lives, parents are usually
    busy with work and cannot attend school
    meetings. But this doesn’t mean they
    shouldn’t be in touch with events or be able
    to check on their kids every once in awhile.
    Just like in every other field,
    communication is vital and if it can be
    done easily with the help of social media,
    why not go for it?
    It may not be criteria just yet, but soon
    enough questions like ‘Does this school
    have a Facebook page?’ could become just
    as important as the things that parents are
    asking right now. Like, how well equipped
    the library is or what are the optional
    classes their child can be part of.
    The bottom line is that social media is a
    big part of our day to day life and there’s
    no point of keeping it away from the
    education process. School, college and
    university staff should be encouraged to
    make use of technology for student and
    parent communication. This could easily
    turn into an argumentative essay topic for
    college. But the benefits are obvious,
    starting with healthier parent-teacher
    relationships and all the way to permanently
    changing the way our children will learn.
    Lori Wade is
    a content
    writer who is
    interested in
    a wide range
    of spheres
    education and
    marketing to entrepreneurship. She is also
    an aspiring tutor striving to bring education
    to another level like we all do. If you are
    interested in writing, you can find her on
    Twitter or Google+ or find her on other
    social media. Read and take over Lori’s
    useful insights!

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