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    LAST UPDATED: 08.12.14
    The concept of teacher autonomy refers to the
    professional independence of teachers in schools,
    especially the degree to which they can make
    autonomous decisions about what they teach to
    students and how they teach it.
    In recent years, teacher autonomy has become a
    major point of discussion and debate in American
    public education, largely as a result of educational
    policies that, some argue, limit the professionalism,
    authority, responsiveness, creativity, or effectiveness
    of teachers.
    While teacher autonomy is most frequently
    discussed in terms of what teachers teach to
    students and how they teach it, the issue may also
    manifest in other ways. For example, some schools
    are entirely led and managed by teachers—i.e., the
    schools do not have formal administrators; teachers
    assume administrative roles, usually on a revolving
    basis. In addition, the composition and negotiation
    of teacher contracts may also vary significantly from
    place to place. For example, local teachers unions
    will negotiate annual contracts with school districts
    in some states, while most states have statewide
    teacher contracts that are negotiated by state
    teachers unions. Depending on its provisions,
    teaching contracts can directly affect professional
    autonomy, given that contracts may, for example,
    determine the specific number of hours that
    teachers can work each week or limit the roles that
    teachers can play in a school or district.
    For a related discussion, see autonomy.
    While debates related to teacher autonomy vary
    from place to place, the professionalism of teachers
    is typically a central issue in the debates. Many
    educators, and groups such as teachers unions or
    membership-based professional organizations for
    teachers, may argue that infringing on teacher
    autonomy in the classroom undermines the
    professional status and expertise of teachers. In
    this view, attempts to micromanage teaching
    strategies or teacher performance through more
    prescriptive policies, greater administrative
    oversight, or strict curriculum requirements will
    undermine job satisfaction or the perception that
    teachers are skilled professionals who have earned
    a degree of public trust in their abilities.
    Advocates of greater teacher autonomy may also
    argue that because teachers are in the best position
    to make informed decisions about a student’s
    education, they should be given as much autonomy
    as possible when it comes to choosing instructional
    strategies, designing lessons, and providing
    academic support. In this view, more stringent
    regulations, tougher job requirements, greater
    administrative oversight, or more burdensome
    teacher-evaluation procedures, for example, will
    inevitability stifle the instructional creativity and
    responsiveness of teachers, which could produce a
    variety of negative results, including lower student
    performance or higher job dissatisfaction and
    attrition rates among teachers. Given that no policy
    that is applied to all teachers can take into account
    the myriad abilities and needs of students, the
    reasoning goes, important decisions about
    educating students should be left to teachers.
    Similarly, local school leaders and administrators
    are better positioned to determine the performance
    of teachers, rather than blanket policies that are
    applied to all teachers in a district or state, such as
    valued-added measures —i.e., formulas used to
    estimate or quantify how much of a positive (or
    negative) effect individual teachers have on student
    learning during the course of a given school year.
    Critics of teacher autonomy tend to cite evidence
    that teaching quality is uneven, and that problems
    such as achievement gaps or low graduation rates
    indicate that measures need to be taken to improve
    the effectiveness of teachers and public-school
    instruction. While the proposed solutions to
    ineffective teaching are numerous, proposals may
    include greater administrative oversight, increased
    educational and professional requirements for new
    teachers, prepackaged or “scripted” curriculum
    materials, more demanding evaluation systems for
    job performance, or penalties for poor-performing
    teachers, for example.
    The following examples will help to illustrate a few
    of the primary issues giving rise to debates about
    teacher autonomy:
    Testing policies: High-stakes tests—exams used to
    make important decisions about schools, educators,
    or students—are widely considered to cause a
    phenomenon known as “teaching to the test”—i.e.,
    educators focusing their instruction on the topics
    that are most likely to be tested, or spending
    classroom time prepping students for tests rather
    than teaching them knowledge and skills that may
    be more important. If penalties are imposed on
    schools, educators, students, or teachers due to test
    results, critics argue, teachers will inevitably have
    less autonomy over the instructional process
    because they will be forced to “teach to the test.”
    As the use of standardized tests has grown in the
    United States in recent decades, educators have
    increasingly expressed concern about the
    consequences of such policies, including the
    consideration of student test scores in the job-
    performance evaluations of teachers—a highly
    controversial subject among educators and teachers
    Standards policies: All fifty states in the United
    States have developed and adopted learning
    standards—concise, written descriptions of what
    students are expected to know and be able to do at
    a specific stage of their education—that establish
    learning goals for students in kindergarten through
    high school. Consequently, when schools “ align ”
    their academic programs and curriculum with the
    learning goals described in standards, some argue
    that teachers will have less “autonomy” in
    determining the knowledge, skills, and content they
    teach to students. The extent to which learning
    standards limit the autonomy of teachers remains a
    subject of ongoing discussion and debate, but
    many educators argue that standards do not impose
    significant limitations on the professional autonomy
    of teachers. For example, some argue that
    standards only describe broad learning expectations,
    and that they do not tell teachers how to teach or
    even, to a great extent, what to teach. For example,
    a standard that requires students to demonstrate
    understanding how “checks and balances” and
    “separation of powers” work in American
    government does not require teachers to teach
    those ideas in any specific way—they can use any
    number of instructional approaches, learning
    materials, or historical examples to teach students
    the concepts described in the standards.
    Curriculum policies: Some states, districts, and
    schools have policies related to curriculum that may
    affect teacher autonomy to a greater or lesser
    extent. For example, some districts and schools
    require teachers to use “scripted curriculum”—i.e., a
    prescriptive, standardized, prepackaged form of
    curriculum that may require teachers to follow a
    particular sequence of prepackaged lessons and, in
    some cases, read aloud from a teaching script in
    class. Though the term is now considered
    pejorative and rarely used, forms of scripted
    curriculum were called “teacher-proof curriculum” in
    past decades. Clearly, the professional autonomy of
    individual teachers will be significantly limited when
    such a curriculum system is mandated. In other
    districts or schools, teachers may be required to
    use certain texts or instructional approaches, or
    follow “pacing guides” that outline a specific
    sequence of lessons and content. For example,
    teachers may be required to have students reading
    a designated chapter in a particular textbook on a
    certain day of the school year. Depending on the
    level of prescription, and whether they are voluntary
    guidelines or mandates, curriculum policies can
    directly affect the instructional autonomy of
    Promotion policies: Some states, districts, and
    schools have policies related to grade promotion or
    graduation that may limit the ability of teachers to
    play a role in the process of deciding how and
    when students will be promoted. For example, a
    district policy may require that students be
    automatically held back if they fail a course, which
    could, in some circumstances, supersede a
    teacher’s recommendation that the student be
    promoted due to certain extenuating factors. Some
    states may also require students to pass a
    standardized test before they are promoted to the
    next grade level or eligible to receive a high school
    diploma (for a related discussion, see high-stakes
    test). Other policies may require a particular course
    of corrective action when students fail a course,
    which could also have implications for teacher
    autonomy. For example, students who fail a course
    may be required to complete a credit-recovery
    program—such as an online course or summer-
    school program—that may not mirror the content
    taught in the course the student failed. In this case,
    the teacher may not have a say in how their
    students “recover” the credit they failed to earn in
    the teacher’s class.
    Evaluation policies: Discussions and debates about
    “teacher evaluation” and “teacher accountability”
    have grown more prominent—and contentious—in
    recent years. Depending on the systems, methods,
    and criteria used in the job-performance evaluations
    of teachers, evaluation policies may affect teacher
    autonomy. If evaluation processes, expectations,
    and requirements are more stringent or
    burdensome, it could influence the way that
    teachers instruct students. For example, if
    standardized test scores are used in the evaluation
    process, and if compensation decisions (salaries,
    bonuses, or “merit-based” pay) are connected to
    test scores, teachers will be more likely to modify
    how and what they teach to improve student test

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