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  • Talking About Drugs With Kids in
    High School
    (Ages 15-18)
    By the time teens enter high school, they have
    likely had many opportunities to try drugs,
    alcohol, and/or tobacco. Even if they have
    resisted the temptation, they’ve probably seen
    their peers do it—sometimes to excess and
    perhaps even with serious consequences. In
    fact, they may know fellow classmates with
    addiction issues. You can’t choose your
    children’s friends— although parents have been
    trying for years! But you can encourage them to
    develop friendships with kids who do not
    smoke, drink, or do drugs.
    1. What they’re thinking. Teens this age
    typically understand how substance use can
    affect unborn children, how combining drugs
    can be deadly, and how easy it is to go from
    casual use to abuse to addiction. Enforce these
    concepts when talking with your teenager.
    During the last few years of high school, teens
    are thinking about what their future holds, so
    this is a great time to keep reminding them
    that substance use can ruin their chances of
    getting into college, being accepted by the
    military, or being hired for certain jobs. Also,
    remind them that keeping the community drug
    free will make it a nicer place to raise a family
    if they decide to put down roots there.
    2. Debating what’s legal. An important issue to
    discuss with your teenager (and with your
    preteen in middle school) is the debate over
    medical marijuana. Make sure your child knows
    that “smoked marijuana” has not withstood the
    rigors of science—it is not medicine and it is
    not safe. Marijuana is harmful and it is illegal.
    3. Granting independence—with love. Children
    this age want independence, but you need to
    set limits. Set curfews and other expectations
    for your child’s behavior, establish appropriate
    consequences for breaking rules, and
    consistently follow through with enforcement.
    Finally, tell children often that you care about
    them and that they are important to you. Show
    them you mean it by regularly spending one-on-
    one time with them. Developing this strong
    bond will make your child more likely to come
    to you with questions or concerns about drugs,
    alcohol, or other sensitive issues—encourage
    that openness. Remember, even as children are
    pushing for independence, they need someone
    they love and respect to be involved. They need
    4. Know what’s trendy. Talk with your teen
    about what you learn here and elsewhere about
    the dangers of abusing prescription drugs.
    Non-medical use of prescription medications to
    get high is rising dramatically. A Pill
    Identification Database is a good way to help
    you identify some prescription drugs, but other
    medications become trendy at times, and other
    drugs may be specific to your community that
    aren’t shown. Routinely ask your teen which
    prescription drugs are an issue at school, in
    friends’ homes, and at parties.
    5. Drinking or drug use while driving. As teens
    begin to drive and become even more
    independent, establish clear rules about
    drinking or using drugs while driving. Ask for
    their input; then develop a written agreement
    that spells out expectations for behavior and
    specific consequences for breaking the rules.
    For example, you may want to limit the hours
    your teen can drive and grant (or deny)
    permission to transport younger siblings.
    Whether or not your city or state restricts the
    number of passengers in your teen’s car, you
    can do so as part of your written agreement.
    You and your young driver should sign the
    agreement to give it more credibility, then keep
    it in a public area of the home to serve as a
    constant reminder of what is expected. Here
    are a few other examples you might include.
    I will not drink alcohol and drive.
    I will drive only from ____ a.m. until ____
    I will not stay at a party where alcohol is
    served or drugs are present.
    I will not ride in a car with a driver who has
    been drinking or using drugs.
    6. The “at home” party. Some parents
    mistakenly believe “My teens and their friends
    are safer drinking at home because they aren’t
    out driving while intoxicated.” Even if state law
    permits teens to drink at home at certain ages
    under a parent’s supervision, it doesn’t mean
    you should let them. Doing so may be setting
    a dangerous example—essentially signaling you
    approve of what may be illegal consumption of
    alcohol in other settings. And if you give your
    teen permission to host a party in your home,
    never supply alcohol to your child’s friends.
    Not only is it illegal, but you may well be held
    liable for anything that happens to the minors
    and any damage they cause— including what
    happens when they leave the premises. Make
    sure two responsible adults are present to
    monitor the festivities in your home.
    7. Continue to praise and encourage teenagers
    for the things they do well and the positive
    choices they make. Knowing you are proud of
    them can motivate them to maintain a drug-free
    lifestyle and to serve as a positive role model
    for younger siblings.
    Parenting doesn’t stop when a child goes to
    college. Find out if there is a program during
    freshman orientation that educates students
    about campus policies, and health and
    wellness or prevention programs related to
    alcohol and other drug use. If so, attend with
    your child, or at least be familiar with the name
    of the person who is responsible for campus
    counseling or prevention programs. Learn about
    the college’s standards of conduct. Federal
    regulations require any institution of higher
    education receiving federal funding (most of
    them do)to have a drug prevention program
    that prohibits, at a minimum, the unlawful
    possession, use, or distribution of illicit drugs
    and alcohol by students on campus property or
    while participating in its activities. Colleges
    must enforce these standards or risk serious
    consequences, including loss of federal student
    financial assistance. Ask about and understand
    the college’s parental notification policy for
    standards of conduct violations.
    Make sure your child understands the penalties
    for underage drinking, public drunkenness, illicit
    drug use, using a fake ID, driving under the
    influence of drugs or alcohol, assault, and other
    alcohol-related offenses. Make certain your
    child understands how alcohol and other illicit
    drug use and abuse can be associated with
    date rape, violence, and academic failure, as
    well as have consequences after graduation.
    This is also an important time to stress the
    importance of the responsible consumption of
    alcohol for when your college-age children are
    of legal drinking age, and if they choose to

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