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  • Lifelong education
  • Lifelong Learning
    To function properly in our knowledge-based
    economy, individuals need to be well-educated,
    but they also need to continue to develop their
    knowledge and skills. The Education Council aims
    to encourage learning at all the stages of people’s
    The Education Council sees four basic functions of
    lifelong learning:
    repair: those who missed out on education at
    a young age should be able to catch up at a
    later stage;
    career changes: those who only discover later
    on that they would be happier doing
    something else or discover new talents
    should be able to follow a programme of
    study to make that change;
    keeping skills up-to-date and getting ahead in
    society : adults should be able to keep their
    knowledge and skills up-to-date in order to
    maintain their position in the labour market
    and to improve their position;
    socio-cultural and personal development:
    people learn not just to improve their working
    careers, but also to continue their personal
    development in a general sense (Secondary
    and Higher Education for Adults, 2009) .
    To ensure the achievement of these basic
    functions, the Education Council has formulated a
    number of recommendations.
    1. strengthen the education available;
    2. allow stakeholders to invest in post-initial
    3. make higher education appealing for people
    in work;
    4. capitalise on knowledge and skills acquired
    outside school; and
    5. formulate a vision on the outlook for adult
    1. Strengthen the education available
    Adult education in the Netherlands consists of a
    private component (non-funded institutions) and a
    public component (government-funded
    institutions). More interaction between both
    systems would be desirable. For the provision of
    adult education, it is important that the reference
    function of the public component of the education
    system is strengthened: it should be clear to
    everyone what knowledge and skills are required
    for which diploma. In other words: what is the
    value of a diploma? Because there is currently no
    independent reference guide and there is also no
    framework for the private sector, the supply is not
    particularly transparent. The Education Council
    believes that close links between private
    programmes and state examinations are required.
    Providers should also take into account the limited
    time and financial resources that adult learners
    have (Secondary and Higher Education for Adults ,
    2009; Een diploma van waarde (Diploma of value),
    2010) .
    2. Allow stakeholders to invest in post-initial
    Citizens, businesses and the government could
    invest more in education for people in work and
    job seekers. The Education Council believes that
    schools and businesses should join forces to
    provide joint funding for programmes of study. The
    Education Council also asks why the number of
    partially publicly funded training places for those
    aged 30 and older in senior secondary vocational
    education are limited. This makes it more difficult
    for people without an adult education diploma to
    gain access to higher education later in life – an
    additional barrier to lifelong learning (Make lifelong
    learning work, 2003; About the quality of vocational
    education , 2011) .
    3. Strengthen accessibility and the value of
    Examinations in secondary education and higher
    education could be better organised and made
    more widely accessible. Everyone who wants to
    should be given the chance to sit exams and
    obtain an award, regardless of whether they have
    followed the corresponding course of study.
    Opening up exams in secondary and higher
    professional education as well as in university
    education would result in a situation comparable to
    the state examinations in secondary education.
    Standardised examinations should be introduced
    for the relevant vocational components in higher
    education (such as in teacher training and
    healthcare practitioner training programmes) to
    ensure that the value of the diplomas is transparent
    and safeguarded (Examinering: draagvlak en
    toegankelijkheid (Assessment: acceptance and
    accessibility), 2006 ; Een diploma van waarde
    (‘Diploma of value’), 2010).
    4. Capitalise on knowledge and skills acquired
    outside school
    The Education Council believes that knowledge and
    skills acquired outside of formal education could
    be put to better use. As a volunteer, for instance, a
    person could learn skills that are relevant to a job.
    Credits for prior learning should be awarded, for
    example, where an assessment can show that a
    level of competence has been achieved
    comparable to that achieved through mainstream
    education. The Education Council also believes that
    credits for prior learning should be restricted to
    around 20% to 25% of the total credits available
    for a study programme (Make lifelong learning
    work, 2003 ; Een diploma van waarde (Diploma of
    value), 2010).
    5. The outlook for adult education
    Lifelong learning forms part of the Lisbon
    objectives (formulated in 2000) and in this sense
    represents a key target of education policy. The
    Dutch government, however, has not formulated any
    long-term vision on adult education. By way of
    illustration, the action plan entitled Focus op
    vakmanschap 2011-2015 (Focus on professionalism
    2011-2015) only includes the intention to maintain
    the current earmarking of adult education funding
    during the current cabinet period. Because the
    financing of adult education in recent years has
    always been an uncertain factor for regional
    training centres (ROCs), the existing infrastructure
    in this area is threatened with collapse (About the
    quality of vocational education , 2011 ).

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