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February 2025
I pray that during this Epiphany season you have experienced the presence of Christ manifested in your life. As the complexity of the world swirls around us and calls out for our constant attention, may we continue to fix our eyes on the Light of the world, and may that light shine in and through us.
Called to Carry the Light A Litany of Passing Good News from One Generation to the Next
Pastors Christine Jerrett and Susan Woodhouse adapted this litany originally from Wellspring, a worship group based in the north of England. It is suitable for any service that focuses on passing the faith from one generation to the next, such as All Saints' Day or a profession of faith. The image of light also fits well with a service on evangelism, mission, or serving—especially during Epiphany.
A series of five prayer litanies developed by Dr. Barbara Bradley Feenstra and Dr. Ronald J. Feenstra for use in worship to commemorate events such as MLK's birthday (January 15, 1929), Abraham Lincoln's Second Inaugural Address (March 4, 1865), Juneteenth (June 19, 1865), July 4/5, and the anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom (August 28, 1963). Any of these may also be used during Black History Month. Each litany or prayer is based on documents connected to the event being commemorated.
The Lord, Our Shepherd A Series for Lent and Easter Based on Psalm 23
This series includes services for the six Sundays of Lent, Maundy Thursday, and Easter Sunday, along with mid-week prayer services and a devotional guide.
"I came to appreciate Psalm 23 as a precious gem to be featured in the season of Lent," author David Koll said. "Jesus is the Lamb of God, and we often highlight this part of his identity during Lent. Jesus is also our Shepherd. As we walk with him through life, and through Lent, the pictures presented in Psalm 23 are precious indeed."
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