Primary education
The role of primary education is to ensure the
broad-based development of pupils. This means
ensuring that all pupils are able to develop their
cognitive, social, emotional, cultural and physical
skills to the best of their abilities, preparing them
for their further school career. Carrying out this
task places demands on a school’s structure,
teachers, school leaders and parents. This is
discussed in greater detail in the advisory report
on A firm foundation for every pupil (2011). This
case file sets out the key recommendations made
by the Education Council.
Room for broad development with a focus on
language and arithmetic
The broad remit of primary education means that
attention must be paid to both cognitive and
intellectual aspects as well as to the social and
emotional development of pupils. The Education
Council believes that proficiency in language and
arithmetic is an essential condition for continued
development. Particular attention for these subjects
is therefore justified. As early as 1999, the
Education Council recommended the development
of learning standards for language and arithmetic
(Knowing for Sure. Learning Standards as a Basis
for Accessibility, 1999). Reference levels were
developed by the education ministry in response to
For the sale of clarity, when we refer to language,
we mean Dutch and English. In the light of
increasing internationalisation, it is becoming
increasingly important to start early with foreign
language learning so that every pupil has attained
an adequate standard of ability in languages by the
end of their school career (Foreign language
teaching in schools , 2008). The Education Council
therefore recommends that reference levels are
also developed and introduced in due course for
It is important that the attention for language and
arithmetic does not lead to a fall in quality in other
subjects (e.g. world orientation, cultural education
or science) or less attention for social and
emotional development. The Education Council
advocates an integrated vision on learning and
development. This is arguably more important in
primary education than in other sectors of the
education system because it is here that the
foundations are laid for the later school career.
Finally, society in the future will demand attention
for learning and thinking skills as well as other
advanced skills, even in primary education (Social
disadvantage in the future, 2011).
A challenging education for all pupils
A further requirement for the good development of
pupils is education that sets challenging targets for
every pupil. It is therefore important that schools
adopt an outcome-oriented approach and that pupil
and school performance is regularly evaluated. This
will make it possible to respond quickly if pupils
or groups of pupils need either extra help or more
of a challenge; individual tailoring can be provided.
A compulsory final examination in group 8 (final
year of primary education) and a compulsory pupil
monitoring system also form part of this vision on
education. However, the Education Council
considers it important that schools have the
freedom to choose their own examination as long
as it meets the requirements set by the education
minister ( Toetsing in het primair onderwijs
(Assessment in primary education) , 2011).
Professional school structure
Appropriate and challenging education requires a
professional school structure with good teachers
and school leaders. In the Netherlands, schools
have a relatively high degree of autonomy in
relation to how they teach and how they organise
the education. The Education Council believes that
this autonomy should be retained. At the same
time, a professional approach means that schools
should also be prepared to be accountable to
pupils, parents and society as a whole.
An outcome-oriented approach means that teachers
and school leaders need to be able to translate
exam results into actions and targets. The
Education Council believes that there is scope for
improvement in this area. Compulsory registration
of teachers in a professional register with linked
training requirements could provide a positive
stimulus for teachers to further their professional
development in this area (see also the case file on
Teachers ).
Invest in childcare and preschool and early years
The Education Council also believes that a
challenging environment is important for children in
their early years. Preschool and early years
education is already available for children at risk of
educational disadvantage: these are special
programmes for children from the age of 30
months which focus in a playful way on developing
language and arithmetic skills. Only basic
childcare is available for other children, and this is
often not focused on playful learning. In Naar een
nieuwe kleuterperiode in de basisschool (Towards a
new early years programme in primary schools,
2010), the Education Council therefore advocates
that all children from the age of three are offered
four half-days of educational childcare within
primary schools. This could also help prevent
undesired segregation. The Education Council also
calls for specialisations in teacher training
programmes specifically for younger children (age
3 to 8) and older children (age 6 to 12). The
education minister intends to adopt this
The school as a community
It goes without saying that child development does
not take place solely within the confines of a
school environment. Parents also play an important
role in the school learning process. The Education
Council believes that parental involvement offers
clear added value and therefore advocates a
greater involvement of parents in the school
(Parents as partners, 2010). Educational
partnership provides a stimulus for pupil
development. The Education Council has no wish
to further formalise the relationship more than it
already is, but we do see great value in particular
in developing the community of stakeholders in
the school.
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