Career Opportunities for
Human Resource
Management Graduates in
• Human Resources / Recruitment
Human resource management (HRM or HR) is
the strategic approach to the effective
management of organization workers so that they
help the business gain a competitive advantage,
Commonly referred to as the HR Department, it
is designed to maximize employee performance
in service of an employer's strategic
objectives.HR is primarily concerned with the
management of people within organizations,
focusing on policies and on systems.HR
departments are responsible for overseeing
employee-benefits design, employee recruitment,
training and development, performance appraisal,
and rewarding (e.g., managing pay and benefits
systems).HR also concerns itself with
organizational change and industrial relations,
that is, the balancing of organizational practices
with requirements arising from collective
bargaining and from governmental laws.
Human Resource Management: Objectives
• To help the organization reach its goals.
• To ensure effective utilization and maximum
development of human resources.
• To ensure respect for human beings. To identify
and satisfy the needs of individuals.
• To ensure reconciliation of individual goals with
those of the organization.
• To achieve and maintain high morale among
• To provide the organization with well-trained
and well-motivated employees.
• To increase to the fullest the employee’s job
satisfaction and self-actualization.
• To develop and maintain a quality of work life.
• To be ethically and socially responsive to the
needs of society.
• To develop overall personality of each employee
in its multidimensional aspect.
• To enhance employee’s capabilities to perform
the present job.
• To equip the employees with precision and
clarity in trans¬action of business.
• To inculcate the sense of team spirit, teamwork
and inter-team collaboration.
The scope of Human Resource
The scope of HRM is very wide, It includes :
Human resources planning:- Human
resource planning or Human Resource
Planning refers to a process by which
the company to identify the number of
jobs vacant, whether the company has
an excess staff or shortage of staff and
to deal with this excess or shortage.
Job analysis design:- Another
important area of Human Resource
Management is job analysis. Job
analysis gives a detailed explanation of
each and every job in the company.
Recruitment and selection:- Based
on information collected from job
analysis the company prepares
advertisements and publishes them in
the newspapers. This is recruitment. A
number of applications are received
after the advertisement is published,
interviews are conducted and the right
employee is selected thus recruitment
and selection are yet another important
area of Human Resource Management.
Orientation and induction:- Once the
employees have been selected
an induction or orientation program is
conducted. This is another
important area of Human Resource
Management. The employees are
informed about the background of the
company, explain the organizational
culture and values and work ethics and
introduce to the other employees.
Training and development :- Every
employee goes under training
program which helps him to put up a
better performance on the job. Training
program is also conducted for existing
staff that have a lot of experience. This
is called refresher training. Training and
development is one area where the
company spends a huge amount.
Performance appraisal :- Once the
employee has put in around 1 year of
service, performance appraisal is
conducted that is the Human Resource
department checks the performance of
the employee. Based on these appraisal
future promotions, incentives,
increments in salary are decided.
Compensation planning and
remuneration :- There are various rules
regarding compensation and other
benefits. It is the job of the Human
Resource department to look into
remuneration and compensation
Motivation, welfare, health and
safety :- Motivation becomes important
to sustain the number of employees in
the company. It is the job of the Human
Resource department to look into the
different methods of motivation. Apart
from this certain health and
safety regulations have to be followed
for the benefits of the employees. This
is also handled by the HR department.
Industrial relations :- Another
important area of Human Resource
Management is maintaining co-ordinal
relations with the union members. This
will help the organization to
prevent strikes lockouts and ensure
smooth working in the company.
Skills and Competencies needed in Human
Resource Management
Recruiting. Searching for and
attracting new talent is a major focus of
the job for many HR professionals. ...
Screening. ...
Employee relations. ...
Onboarding. ...
Scheduling. ...
Human Resources Information
Software (HRIS) ...
Social media. ...
Performance management.
Organization. One of the most
important human resource management
skills you must have to successfully
work in HR is organization. ...
Negotiation. ...
Problem Solving and Conflict
ManagementRecommended for You. ...
Communication. ...
Discretion. ...
Conflict Management.
Career Opportunities and Job Options for
Graduates of Human Resource
Human resources officer
Office manager
Occupational psychologist
Training and development officer
Business adviser
Careers adviser
Data scientist
Higher education lecturer
Life coach
Management consultant
Operational researcher
Recruitment consultant
Risk manager
Sales executive
Trade union research officer
Admission Requirements for the study of
Human Resource Management in Nigeria
In UTME, please note that English Language is
Compulsory for this course. Therefore, the three
(3) other JAMB UTME subject combination
needed to study Human Resources
Management under the Faculty of Social &
Management Sciences at the above Universities
Economics, Mathematics and any of Government,
History, Geography, Lit-in-English, French and
The O'level subject combination and
requirements needed to study Human Resources
You require; Five SSCE credit passes in English
Language, Mathematics, Economics and any two
of Arts or Social Science subjects.
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