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  • Thanksgiving offering supports students, new children's resource, and more
  • November 11, 2020
    In their own words: Yejin Lim
    Yejin Lim photo

    The Thanksgiving Offering, received this year on Nov. 15 and 22, directly supports programs and students on the campuses of Disciples-related institutions of higher education, including 15 colleges and universities as well as seven theological institutions. While supporting these schools has always been an important focus for the Disciples of Christ, this year it is even more important. In the midst of national and global challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, our higher education institutions are facing unprecedented challenges and they need our support now, more than ever.

    Despite these unprecedented challenges, Disciples-related schools continue to be places that not only provide education to students, but guidance and care as well. As Yejin Lim, a junior majoring in busines at Texas Christian University, shares that the experiences gained by attending a Disciples-related school have been formative in connecting faith to vocation:

    There are moments while I walk to class that my heart is full and prayers of thanksgiving pour out naturally. I see the beautiful campus of TCU and pray to Yahweh Yireh, the Lord who provides, for leading me here.

    Living as a missionary kid and now as a pastor’s kid, I know my family was not financially stable enough to support my educational expenses. However, the extra financial support I received as a Disciple made it possible for me to attend TCU. I have learned and experienced so much already in the three years here. Meeting people with various backgrounds has broadened my perspective of the world, strengthening my ability to understand and empathize with others. Disciples on Campus has especially created a welcoming space for conversations and occasions to connect with the local community. I have grown academically, spiritually, and professionally from all the opportunities I have faced at TCU.

    My dream is to become an influential leader in the business world that demonstrates Christ through my life – being a person who is loving, accepting, and forgiving. I make efforts every day towards that vision, little by little, and plan to continue my journey at TCU with thankfulness.

    On Nov. 15 and 22, please give generously to the Thanksgiving Offering. Your gift makes a difference in the lives of our students and it makes a difference in the world.

    Note: No printed materials were mailed to congregations. You can find downloadable resources on the Thanksgiving offering page.
    Insurance Board offers webcast on security

    The Insurance Board is offering a webcast Nov. 19 at 2 pm ET in partnership with the Department of Homeland Security/ Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) on concerns such as civil unrest, active shooters, cybersecurity and more. An assessment tool designed for houses of worship will be introduced.
    Is your church building winter-ready?

    Protect your facilities against damaging, ice, snow, and freezing temperatures by following these tips:
    1.     Have your HVAC checked by professionals experienced with your system. Ask them to install the best filtration.
    2.     Replace furnace filters according to manufacturer’s recommendations.
    3.     Keep combustible material at least 36 inches (91 centimeters) from heaters.
    4.     Know where your church’s main water shut off valve is.
    5.     Wrap water pipes exposed to freezing temperatures with pipe insulation.
    6.     Ensure that external water pipes are drained and disconnected from any hoses before the winter freeze arrives.
    7.     When the temperatures drop, turn interior faucets to a slow drip.
    8.     Examine your roofing system for cracking, cupping, or peeling.
    9.     Inspect downspouts for debris and ensure roof runoff is led away from the building’s foundation.
    10.  Prune trees close to your exterior.
    11.  Don’t forget about your parking lot and walkways.
    12.  In a Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF) first, skip using a smoke tube to check around windows and doors for tight seals. This year is different in that we are looking for ways to bring fresh air in.

    Contact DCEF for Building Evaluations that locate problems and low interest loans that fund solutions.
    Teaching justice 2020 style

    Elementary-age youth are curious and ready to learn. Taking advantage of what they are hearing in the culture about social justice and inequities, the time is ripe for introducing concepts about poverty.

    Rev. Kate Epperly, staff in Disciples Home MissionsMinistries Across Generations who specializes in justice and advocacy for families and children, gathered a faith formation team in response to the Poor People’s Campaign June 20 event. Her grandsons were deeply interested in the broadcast.

    “Jack (aged 10) not only watched the whole event, but also had a lot of questions. He immediately made a tagboard sign saying, ‘Black Lives Matter’ and posted it on the front door, but he wanted more,” she said.

    Epperly got to work gathering materials and her colleague, Rev. Olivia Updegrove, collaborated. They consulted colleagues of color within the Disciples and the United Church of Christ to vet their work.

    Based on an intergenerational model of learning, the web-based curriculum highlights the Poor People’s Campaign five “jubilee justice” principles around communities, inclusion, voice, lifting all, and the concept that there is enough for all.

    The Poor People’s Campaign leadership has agreed to present and promote the new website produced by Ministries Across Generations.

    “I have been so excited to share this journey with my grandsons Jack and James (aged 8 ) over the summer. I hope others can connect to this faith-based intergenerational, reflection-action education tool.”
    Thanksgiving offering art
    Thanksgiving offering received Nov. 15, 22

    Higher education has been an important focus for Disciples since the very beginning of the movement. Throughout our history, Disciples have founded institutions of higher learning to educate students and form leaders to make a difference in the world. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is still committed to higher education.

    In the midst of national and global challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, our higher education institutions are facing unprecedented challenges and they need our support now, more than ever. Even as they work diligently to ensure safe and healthy learning environments, the financial realities faced by many or our schools is adding additional stress to students, faculty and staff.

    This year’s offering will take place on Nov. 15 and 22. You can also give online (please choose “Thanksgiving Special Offering” on the Designation Dropdown List). Your gift to the Thanksgiving Offering helps support the education of thousands of students at our fifteen colleges and universities as well as our seven seminaries and divinity houses. In addition, it helps continue the ongoing collaborative work of church and higher education that is such a foundational part of the heritage of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

    Please give generously to this offering. You gift makes a difference in the lives of our students and it makes a difference in the world.
    Join GMP in prayer Wednesdays noon ET
    Clergy Continuing Education Grant: The deadline to complete application for 2021 Clergy Continuing Education Grants has been extended. The new deadline is now Friday, Nov. 20. If you haven't yet applied, consider how you'd like to use up to $500 of DHM's grant monies for a continuing education experience in 2021, and then apply (and be sure your regional minister submits the required Regional Endorsement). More information, guidelines and rules can be found here 
    Other News

    Missing piece for 2020 yearbook

    The editors of the 2020 Yearbook & Directory apologize for a recently discovered error. The report of the National Benevolent Association, as submitted to the General Board in February of this year, was inadvertenly omitted from the printed yearbook published this summer.

    Please take a few minutes to read the report or download to add to your physical copy of the yearbook.
    Year-end tax strategies for U.S. givers

    As Dec. 31 approaches, taxpayers are organizing their finances to prepare for filing their income taxes. This year, Congress passed the CARES Act to provide taxpayers economic relief during the pandemic. This relief may increase your ability to support church and other charitable causes, helping others through this difficult time.

    The three key tax-wise strategies for charitable giving include:

    1. Persons over the age of 70 ½ may still use qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) for their charitable giving, despite Congress ‘permanently’ raising the age for RMDs to 72 and suspending RMDs for 2020. For eligible seniors, this is often the most tax-effective way to give.
    2. Donating appreciated stock can save the capital gains tax, allowing donors to reduce the net cost of their giving.
    3. Non-itemizers can take a tax deduction for up to $300 of cash charitable contributions (called an “above the line” deduction) in 2020.

    The CARES Act temporarily increased the limit for cash contributions from 60 percent to 100 percent of adjusted gross income. 

    Senior donors eligible to make qualified charitable distributions should be aware that, if using an “IRA Checkbook”, those gifts must be deposited by the charity no later than Dec. 31 in order to count as a current year gift. Distributions made through your IRA administrator do not have this same requirement.

    The Christian Church Foundation is here to help with your questions. Call us at 800-668-8016. Please also consult with your investment, legal, or tax advisers.
    Information from Capin and Krause: A $300 “above-the-line” charitable contribution deduction is available for non-itemizers in 2020

    Donors could receive a $300 charitable contribution deduction this year. 
    The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the CARES Act) enacted in March 2020 includes an incentive for charitable donations. For 2020 only, taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions may claim a charitable contribution deduction of up to $300 for the taxable year for cash contributions made to a public charity that is not a supporting organization or donor-advised fund. This new provision does not permit an above-the-line deduction for unused charitable contributions carried forward from a prior year.
    The CARES Act does not explicitly address whether couples filing a joint return may claim $300 each. We are not likely to have an answer until the instructions for the 2020 Form 1040 are published.
    Trans + Gender Expansive Worship Materials

    Disciples AllianceQ offers liturgical resources to help worship leaders with inclusive use of pronouns for all. Included is a call-and-response liturgy exploring pronouns as well as other resources.
    Apply for a grant with the National Benevolent Association

    The National Benevolent Association is currently running two grant programs. We invite disciples-affiliated organizations whose ministries have been detrimentally impacted by COVID-19 to apply for a COVID-19 NBA Response Grant. This grant was created to support new and changing projects created in service to those suffering because of the pandemic. Applications for this grant are rolling.
    covid response logo
    COVID-19 resources available

    The Insurance Board is providing training on re-opening buildings.

    The Office of the General Minister and President has compiled a collection of resources and statements from Church leadership in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are updating this page with more resources as available.

    Rev. Terri Hord Owens will be continuing the Wednesday Facebook Live prayers throughout the remainder of the year. She will also be continuing her Friday meetings with pastors and chaplains via Zoom. Register here
    Disciples Justice Ministries logo
    Advocacy Toolkit from Disciples Justice Ministries

    Hopefully you found a justice ministry this summer that piqued your interest. (Review stories linked from this page.) Well, there's something more you can do and do it right now! Many legislators are listening more closely to their constituents in this election season so it's your opportunity to bring up what matters to you in a virtual legislative visit. You can find out how to make effective visits with this advocacy tool kit that includes a video from our Disciples in Washington who are well-practiced.
    More opportunities to put ministry into action

    Disciples News Service (DNS) is distributed by Communication Ministries, in the Office of the General Minister and President, and is supported by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund. To change your subscription, or submit news for consideration in DNS, visit our website.

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