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  • November 25, 2020 - Online worship webinar; new yearbook reporting method
  • November 25, 2020
    A little help for worship planning
    Even after the pandemic, online worship is likely here to stay. Whether you’ve been providing a devotion via your phone or doing full-on productions from the sanctuary, you may be ready to think about new ways to make this sustainable.

    Rev. Terri Hord Owens invites you to a panel discussion of worship planners from both the content and technical sides of online worship.

    Scheduled panelists as of 11/20/2020
    Jeff Champeau, moderator
    Technical guru for First Christian Church, Norman, OK
    Suzanne Castle
    Pastor and plenary producer for 2019 General Assembly
    Kurt Gwartney
    Producer for October worship service from Phillips Theological Seminary and former PBS producer
    Yearbook reporting gets a new look this winter

    New in 2020 for the January – March 2021 reporting period: Alex – Data for Disciples. Gone are the paper forms mailed in January to congregations. Gone is the clunky online form to fill in attendance data averages for the whole year.

    This online reporting system is free to congregations and offers features not available in previous modes of yearbook data collection.

    1.     Congregations can enter attendance and giving data weekly, along with notes, so they can track trends in real time. This info is entered via a web portal, so you can do it from any device that has an internet connection. Even in a year like 2020, there are interesting trends to see. Perhaps your online attendance spiked the week you hosted a special musician. Perhaps your giving peaked just after an email appeal.
    Disciples Church Extension logo
    Considering a COVID-19 Economic Injury Disaster Loan?

    A goal of Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF) is to keep the congregations we serve aware of the financial relief options available to them. During the coronavirus pandemic, one such resource is the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) of which the application deadline is fast approaching.

    This federal lending program can benefit churches that have exhausted their working capital or anticipate doing so due to the prolonged challenges presented by COVID-19. EIDL loans are available through the Small Business Administration, but the deadline to apply for one is December 21, 2020.

    The dollar amount available through these loans is a factor of your church’s 2019 total annual income and operating expenses and is intended to provide six months of working capital. The interest rate on such loans is 2.75% and payments are amortized over 30 years. The first loan payment is deferred for one year and there are no pre-payment penalties on EIDL loans. However, unlike with the government’s Paycheck Protection Plan (PPP), the EIDL program offers no loan forgiveness.
    Kentucky region logo
    Kentucky regional minister position open
    The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Kentucky is seeking to call an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to the position of Regional Minister.
    All applicants are required to provide updated search and call paperwork in order to be considered. Furthermore, all applicants are required to submit a Letter of Interest to the Search Committee Chairperson: Rev. Kory Wilcoxson, c/o Crestwood Christian Church, 1882 Bellefonte Dr., Lexington, KY, 40502. The application deadline is Dec. 15, 2020.
    Christian Church Foundation logo
    Year-end tax strategies for U.S. givers

    As Dec. 31 approaches, taxpayers are organizing their finances to prepare for filing their income taxes. This year, Congress passed the CARES Act to provide taxpayers economic relief during the pandemic. This relief may increase your ability to support church and other charitable causes, helping others through this difficult time.

    The three key tax-wise strategies for charitable giving include:

    1. Persons over the age of 70 ½ may still use qualified charitable distributions (QCDs) for their charitable giving, despite Congress ‘permanently’ raising the age for RMDs to 72 and suspending RMDs for 2020. For eligible seniors, this is often the most tax-effective way to give.
    2. Donating appreciated stock can save the capital gains tax, allowing donors to reduce the net cost of their giving.
    3. Non-itemizers can take a tax deduction for up to $300 of cash charitable contributions (called an “above the line” deduction) in 2020.

    The CARES Act temporarily increased the limit for cash contributions from 60 percent to 100 percent of adjusted gross income. 

    Senior donors eligible to make qualified charitable distributions should be aware that, if using an “IRA Checkbook”, those gifts must be deposited by the charity no later than Dec. 31 in order to count as a current year gift. Distributions made through your IRA administrator do not have this same requirement.

    The Christian Church Foundation is here to help with your questions. Call us at 800-668-8016. Please also consult with your investment, legal, or tax advisers.
    Information from Capin and Krause: A $300 “above-the-line” charitable contribution deduction is available for non-itemizers in the U.S. in 2020

    Donors could receive a $300 charitable contribution deduction this year. 

    The Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (the CARES Act) enacted in March 2020 includes an incentive for charitable donations. For 2020 only, taxpayers who do not itemize their deductions may claim a charitable contribution deduction of up to $300 for the taxable year for cash contributions made to a public charity that is not a supporting organization or donor-advised fund. This new provision does not permit an above-the-line deduction for unused charitable contributions carried forward from a prior year.

    The CARES Act does not explicitly address whether couples filing a joint return may claim $300 each. We are not likely to have an answer until the instructions for the 2020 Form 1040 are published.
    Disciples Peace Fellowship accepting intern applications
    Disciples Peace Fellowship is now accepting applications for our 2021 Peace Interns! This 12-week, paid internship allows young adults to live out the Gospel imperative for peace and justice by working with camps and conferences, partnering with Disciples Justice ministries, teaming up with ecumenical and interfaith peace movements, and advocating for peace for justice.

    Information about this life-changing summer internship, the application process and all online application materials can be found at DisciplesPeace.org/Apply All applications and references must be completed and submitted by Jan. 31, 2021.

    If you have any questions about the internship or the application process, please do not hesitate to contact DPF's Mission Director, Rev. Brian Frederick-Gray, at MissionDirector@DisciplesPeace.org.
    Join the GMP in prayer via Facebook Live @Rev. Terri Hord Owens noon ET
    Kansas region logo
    Virtual learning opportunity

    The Christian Church in Kansas is opening up their March 2021 Art of Church Communication series to the wider Church. The virtual nature of this five-week session works to your advantage since you don't have to travel to Kansas to participate!

    Enrollment numbers need to be met (10 participants) and there is a $30 fee for each class.
    Other News

    Christian Church Foundation confers awards during board meeting

    After hearing recommendations from the staff, the board was pleased to confer the Harry T. Ice Distinguished Service Award to Ms. Delores “Dee” Clark of Denver, CO, in honor of her faithful generosity to the local, regional, and general expressions of the church. Additionally, the board unanimously voted to award the James P. Johnson Stewardship Award to First Christian Church of Midland, TX. The James P. Johnson Stewardship Award recognizes a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) that has demonstrated leadership, creativity, and integrity in answering God’s call to faithful stewardship, including the faith discipline involved in the stewardship of accumulated resources. 
    Trans + Gender Expansive Worship Materials

    Disciples AllianceQ offers liturgical resources to help worship leaders with inclusive use of pronouns for all. Included is a call-and-response liturgy exploring pronouns as well as other resources.
    COVID response logo
    COVID-19 resources available

    The Office of the General Minister and President has compiled a collection of resources and statements from Church leadership in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are updating this page with more resources as available.

    Rev. Terri Hord Owens will be continuing the Wednesday Facebook Live prayers throughout the remainder of the year. She will also be continuing her Friday meetings with pastors and chaplains via Zoom. Register here
    Disciples Justice Ministries logo
    Advocacy Toolkit from Disciples Justice Ministries

    Hopefully you found a justice ministry this summer that piqued your interest. (Review stories linked from this page.) Well, there's something more you can do and do it right now! Many legislators are new and the others may be open to ideas as they prepare for next year so it's your opportunity to bring up what matters to you in a virtual legislative visit. You can find out how to make effective visits with this advocacy tool kit that includes a video from our Disciples in Washington who are well-practiced.
    More opportunities to put ministry into action

    Disciples News Service (DNS) is distributed by Communication Ministries, in the Office of the General Minister and President, and is supported by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund. To change your subscription, or submit news for consideration in DNS, visit our website.

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