Christ has risen! Alleluia! Christ has ascended! Let us praise the Lord. Christ has sent the Spirit. Come, Holy Spirit, live in our hearts so we may join your work in this world. As miraculous and unfathomable as Christ’s resurrection was, it was not the end of his story here on earth. And as glorious as our hope in the promise of our resurrection is, it isn’t the end of our story either. Christ ascended and sits at God’s right hand. Not only will we be resurrected from the dead, but we too will one day stand perfected before God Almighty! In the meantime, Christ sent the Spirit, not only as our comforter and guide, but also to continue Christ's work in this world. And the Spirit invites us to join in that work—to look around us with Christ’s eyes and be Christ’s presence in this world, working toward reconciliation and the renewal of all things. As glorious as Easter was, let us not forget that Ascension Day (Thursday, May 9) and Pentecost (Sunday, May 19) are coming! —Rev. Joyce Borger, senior editor | | | Caught Up in the Cloud | Rescuing the Ascension Story from Familiarity By Arlo D. Duba “The ascension of Jesus is linked with the death and resurrection and with the glorification of Jesus throughout the tradition. Jesus’ death without a resurrection would have accomplished nothing. The resurrection without the ascension would have accomplished nothing. But Jesus’ death, resurrection, and ascension, and the gift of the Spirit make it possible for us, like Moses, to enter (the cloud of) the glory of God.” This article includes suggestions for Ascension themes, scripture texts, and hymns. | | | | | Ascension and Pentecost Services from Italy | Joint Liturgies of the Baptist, Methodist, and Waldensian Churches These services appear in the March 2024 issue of Reformed Worship and are available to all print and digital subscribers.  | | | | | Worth is the Lamb! | An Ascension Service with Dramatic Readings from Revelation 1, 4, and 5 A service with passages “that could be read dramatically and directly from the book of Revelation, a rich resource for reflections on the ascension and reign of Jesus.” | | | | | | Subscribe today discover worship resources that inform and inspire | Subscribe today to the quarterly print and digital issues and for access to premium content on the Reformed Worship website. This content includes ideas for all of Ascension, Pentecost and so much more! | | | | worship planning resources | | | | | | | calvin institUTE OF christian worship | | | | Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants | Through the Vital Worship, Vital Preaching Grants Program, the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW) seeks to foster, strengthen, and sustain well-grounded public worship throughout Canada and the United States. CICW welcomes grant proposals on a wide range of Christian worship practices. In particular, we invite proposals related to universal design, cultural engagement, preaching, baptism, and the Lord’s Supper. Our next application deadline is June 15, 2024. | | | | | Subscribe to our award-winning quarterly worship journal and be able to read articles with this symbol:
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