Please! If Reformed Worship has been an inspiration to you this past year, return the blessing with a gift. Any amount will help to continue and extend the ministry of Reformed Worship. We are deeply grateful for your partnership in this important work. |
An Epiphany Service With “Chalking of Doors” This unique service that includes “chalking the doors” would be a perfect way to start the New Year on January 1 in anticipation of Epiphany. It includes a liturgy to take home for your congregation to mark their doors and pray for God’s presence and guidance.  |
| | This service based on Psalm 103 provides a perfect structure to plan your service on January 1, 2023. Remember the year, celebrate the year, proclaim God’s faithfulness in hope.  | | | | | | This service would work for New Year’s eve or for New Year’s day, allowing for congregational participation as you share your “hopes and fears of all the years.”  | | | |
| | Looking for resources for Advent and Christmas? $10 unlocks 3 months of full access. Limited time offer! | | | | |
Worship planning Resources | | |
Reformed Worship has rich resources for preachers and worship planners whose worship services follow the Lectionary. Check out this chart for Year A resources for Advent-Epiphany. Year C resources for the remainder of this liturgical year are still available. | |
A New Year’s Service of Lessons and Carols This Lessons and Carols service walks through various instances in Scripture where God’s people are told “Be not afraid.” These words would be wonderful ones to remember the first Sunday of the year.  | |
Words to Ponder all Year Long Begin your year with “star gifts.” This creative, tangible idea is wonderful for all ages and encourages your congregation to listen to God’s voice in the new year in new ways.  | |
Lectionary Year A includes the "slaughter of the innocents" in Matthew 2. Many might be tempted to skip this text in favor of something more joyful and celebratory. We encourage you to consider its significance for churches today as many around the world suffer the effects of violence.  |
NOTE: Are you using the “God is Like….” Advent worship series from Issue 146? Rev. Matt Ackerman (co-author) will be recording a unique narrative-style sermon that accompanied this series. The downloadable video sermon with accompanying liturgy will be available for churches to preview at the end of November. This would be a good package to use early in the new year to give pastors and a staff an extra week of rest. Email for more information |
| | | | No sanitized prayers enter this space. God wants it all and wants nothing held back. Lament starts to look familiar—it sounds and feels just like prayer, but honest prayer. | | | |
| | | | Because that blood in the tank, the blood nourishing the church, didn't really come from the worship leaders; it doesn't come from the Pastor, the elders or the deacons. We are only ever graced to be conduits. | | | |
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