Hi there, I am absolutely floored right now! The feedback we've gotten about Article Forge 4.0 has been absolutely incredible. It's been overwhelmingly positive, but we dug deeper and we realized we made a big mistake. 😳 We talked a lot about the features of Article Forge 4.0… but just because something has awesome AI doesn't mean it can create awesome articles for you. And in fact, we found that many of our users were not properly taking advantage of the new AI we released. You see, there is a special way to use Article Forge 4.0 that allows users to: - Create higher quality articles that are well structured, cohesive, and tell a true story
- Stop Article Forge from making mistakes and writing anything irrelevant or off topic
- Create articles that are 4,500+ words 🤯
And we realized we hadn't explained any of this! 🤦♂️ But we learned quickly… Click here to see how to use Article Forge to write well structured and cohesive long form content! Also included in the above link are real examples. You will not only see exactly what we did step by step, but also the real articles we got back with Article Forge 4.0. And as a friendly reminder: Next week we will be permanently removing the unlimited plan and raising the prices on ALL of our plans. Unless you sign up now. If you sign up now your current pricing and usage will not change - even when others will have to pay double, triple, or even ten times as much to get the same amount of content. So click here to get Article Forge 4.0 before our unlimited content plan goes away and our prices increase for good! Cheers! -Alex Cardinell WordAi and Article Forge P.S. During this launch, all users will be able to create a completely free 5 day trial. This applies to everyone, so even if you have already used your free trial in the past, you will be able to create another one today. We want to make sure everyone is able to try Article Forge 4.0 for free! | | | | |
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