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  • All Saints' Day Nov. 1; prayer before U.S. election, and more
  • October 28, 2020
    Tuesday, Nov. 3, is the day for our U.S. members to make a difference.
    Faith on the Ballot sermons available

    General Minister and President Rev. Terri Hord Owens is one of the preachers for Faith on the Ballot, a weekly sermon series leading up to the 2020 presidential election. Each week prominent pastors and activists lend their voices to issues that intersect with racism—the primary religious issue of this election. All sermons in the series are available at faithontheballot.com. Rev. Owens’ sermon was streamed on Saturday, Oct. 24
    You are invited to pray

    A MORE Prophetic Vote: Shine a Light, Ring Out Bells, Pray Prophecy for a Just Democracy.

    Join the Poor People's Campaign: A national call for moral revival in praying through the election in the U.S.:
    • Now-Nov 2: Share the daily prayerful action at NOON ET via social media accounts OR
    • Lead a prayerful action at NOON your local time
    • Nov 3: 8AM-8PM ET: Share the Election Day top-of-the-hour prayer for 15 minutes via social media networks AND/OR
    • Ring a bell, kindle a light, share a prayer when voting opens in your time zone and until it closes in your time zone.
    • Nov. 3: 9PM- 11:15PM ET Join us for a livestream service. Share across your networks
    • Take the "Each Reach Ten" Prophetic Pledge. Everyone is encouraged to reach out to their faith community and ask that each person reach 10 people to vote their values.
    All Saints Sunday Nov. 1
    Every year, the church celebrates All Saints Day at the beginning of November by recognizing all those who have died in the previous year. All Saints Day is an opportunity to celebrate the faithful members of your church who have passed on or those members of your church who have remembered your congregation in their end-of-life plans. Members who leave legacy gifts for their congregation do so because they believe in what the church is doing but, more than that, they believe the church will be around to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ long after they have passed on.

    This year, perhaps more than any other in recent memory, we have greater reason to celebrate and remember the saints who have gone on before us. The Christian Church Foundation believes it is essential that we honor each of these saints, their strong faith, and their passion for ministry. In 2020, we are called upon as the church to continue to spread the Good News in as many ways as we can. The Good News of these saints is that they live on, their legacy lives on, and the Good News of Jesus Christ lives on through them and through us.

    The Christian Church Foundation has collaborated with Rev. Richard Hull to offer congregational resources for celebrating All Saints Day. These resources can be found on the Christian Church Foundation website (www.christianchurchfoundation.org/resources). What better way to celebrate and honor the legacy of the saints than to remind your congregation, and the world, of the faithful witness of those who have gone on before us? 
    A resting place for saints of the Church

    A presence on Thomas Circle since 1930, National City Christian Church in Washington, DC, will be celebrating its 90th birthday on Nov. 1 with worship, a concert and social media throughout the day according to their most recent newsletter

    The congregation is the fulfillment of Alexander Campbell’s call in 1851 to have a Disciples presence in the U.S. capital. In 1926, the National City Christian Church Foundation was formed by the International Convention (which became the current Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)) to care for the resulting physical building.

    National City reaches out to its neighbors in so many ways evidenced by their calendar – bible studies (currently via Zoom), Friday concerts to offer respite for all, a food pantry, hosting community meetings. In addition, the building hosts offices of the Disciples Home Missions’ Refugee & Immigration Ministries as well as other Disciples justice ministries whenever there is a need.

    The building contains a columbarium, a resting place for the ashes of Disciples who wish to be inurned there.
    Kathleen Burger, trustee, in a story about the columbarium, said, “In our current times, when families are often geographically distanced, a columbarium can be a final gathering place.”

    Denominational leaders inurned in the Columbarium include former General Minister and President Rev. Dr. C. William Nichols, former Deputy General Minister and President and former Senior Minister of NCCC, Rev. Dr. William C. Howland, Jr., former Moderator of the General Assembly Oscar Haynes, National Benevolent Association President William Gibble, Disciples of Christ Historical Society President Roland Hugg, Division of Higher Education President William Miller, Christian Church Foundation President James Reed, and Board of Church Extension President Rolland Shaefor.

    Burger said, “This November is indeed an appropriate time to give thanks for their lives and remarkable service to our church and denomination.”

    The columbarium is open for visitors during regular worship and business hours of the church and at other times by special arrangement. If you are interested in information regarding the columbarium, please contact Executive Pastor Rev. Steven Baines.
    Sanctuary designed by Frank Lloyd Wright listed on historic register

    On October 9, 2020, The Community Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), one of 10 ecclesiastical structures designed by Frank Lloyd Wright, received notice that the building was officially listed in the National Register of Historic Places. The announcement was made jointly by the congregation and Wright on Main, Inc., (WOM) the 501(c)3 organization tasked with maintaining and enhancing the historic landmark for the cultural enrichment of the community. (Photo from Architectural Digest)

    Community Christian Church, located in the heart of Kansas City at 46th and Main Street, first commissioned Frank Lloyd Wright to design this now historic structure after a fire on Halloween night 1939 destroyed the previous building. The Wright-designed “church of the future” opened its doors for the first worship service in the new sanctuary on January 6, 1942, and a vibrant, progressive congregation has called it home for almost 80 years. According to Rev. Shanna Steitz, senior minister, “We are honored to join the many other Frank Lloyd Wright structures across the country in receiving this recognition. We hope to continue to be faithful stewards of this historic building.” Read more
    Young Adult Commission applications are being accepted

    If you are interested in connecting and empowering Young Adults to engage in the ministry of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), you can fill out an application to serve on the Young Adult Commission. The next term of service begins January of 2021 through December of 2023 and applications are being accepted until October 30, 2020. Go here to see the expectations for those who serve on the committee. Come serve with us!
    Thanksgiving offering received Nov. 15, 22

    Higher education has been an important focus for Disciples since the very beginning of the movement. Throughout our history, Disciples have founded institutions of higher learning to educate students and form leaders to make a difference in the world. The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is still committed to higher education.

    In the midst of national and global challenges associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, our higher education institutions are facing unprecedented challenges and they need our support now, more than ever. Even as they work diligently to ensure safe and healthy learning environments, the financial realities faced by many or our schools is adding additional stress to students, faculty and staff.

    This year’s offering will take place on Nov. 15 and 22. You can also give online (please choose “Thanksgiving Special Offering” on the Designation Dropdown List). Your gift to the Thanksgiving Offering helps support the education of thousands of students at our fifteen colleges and universities as well as our seven seminaries and divinity houses. In addition, it helps continue the ongoing collaborative work of church and higher education that is such a foundational part of the heritage of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ).

    Please give generously to this offering. You gift makes a difference in the lives of our students and it makes a difference in the world.
    Ohio regional pastor and president position open

    The Regional Pastor and President provides executive and visionary leadership for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Ohio. The Regional Pastor and President will enhance congregational vitality and mission through a ministry of: authentic connection, presence, process development and creative leadership; spiritual development and practice in personal and communal life; pastoral care and nurture of the congregations and ministers within the Region through quality communication and wise, prayerful counsel; and attention to the development of community by encouraging networking, collaboration and cooperation of congregations and leadership. The Regional Pastor will be affirming and inclusive, creating a space where all Disciples in Ohio are welcome at the Table.

    Applications due Nov. 30, 2020.
    Kentucky regional minister position open
    The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Kentucky is seeking to call an ordained minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to the position of Regional Minister. A Regional Profile and Position Description are posted on the following website:
    All applicants are required to provide updated search and call paperwork in order to be considered. Furthermore, all applicants are required to submit a Letter of Interest to the Search Committee Chairperson:

    Rev. Kory Wilcoxson
    c/o Crestwood Christian Church
    1882 Bellefonte Dr., Lexington, KY, 40502
    The application deadline is Dec. 15, 2020.
    COVID-19 resources available

    NEW: The Insurance Board is providing training on re-opening buildings.

    The Office of the General Minister and President has compiled a collection of resources and statements from Church leadership in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are updating this page with more resources as available.

    Rev. Terri Hord Owens will be continuing the Wednesday Facebook Live prayers throughout the remainder of the year. She will also be continuing her Friday meetings with pastors and chaplains via Zoom. Register here
    NBA’s 2020 Sermon Series: For Such A Time As This
    The National Benevolent Association presents “For Such a Time as This” our sermon series by prophetic voices from the Disciples of Christ and NBA community that will inspire you to think critically and act justly.
    The NBA has a call to address issues of wellness equity. Specifically, we seek to prioritize the equitable sharing of knowledge, resources and support services for communities that are impacted by complex, oppressive systems.
    Each week, NBA will share sermons that touch on prominent justice issues our society is facing. 
    Other News

    From Lexington Theological Seminary's Creating Vital Congregations webinar series

    In these unprecedented times, more than ever, we must have the courage to imagine a new church for a new world. We must give ourselves permission to change and also to live in freedom from fear.

    • On. Nov. 7, Rev. Terri Hord Owens, general minister and president, will deliver a 2-hour session via Lextington Theological Seminary's series. Cost is $10 per sign on.
    Missing piece for 2020 yearbook

    The editors of the 2020 Yearbook & Directory apologize for a recently discovered error. The report of the National Benevolent Association, as submitted to the General Board in February of this year, was inadvertenly omitted from the printed yearbook published this summer.

    Please take a few minutes to read the report or download to add to your physical copy of the yearbook.
    Apply for a grant with the National Benevolent Association

    The National Benevolent Association is currently running two grant programs. We invite disciples-affiliated organizations whose ministries have been detrimentally impacted by COVID-19 to apply for a COVID-19 NBA Response Grant. This grant was created to support new and changing projects created in service to those suffering because of the pandemic. Applications for this grant are rolling.
    Advocacy Toolkit from Disciples Justice Ministries

    Hopefully you found a justice ministry this summer that piqued your interest. (Review stories linked from this page.) Well, there's something more you can do and do it right now! Many legislators are listening more closely to their constituents in this election season so it's your opportunity to bring up what matters to you in a virtual legislative visit. You can find out how to make effective visits with this advocacy tool kit that includes a video from our Disciples in Washington who are well-practiced.
    More opportunities to put ministry into action

    Disciples News Service (DNS) is distributed by Communication Ministries, in the Office of the General Minister and President, and is supported by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund. To change your subscription, or submit news for consideration in DNS, visit our website.

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