We are in the season, of Lent—a time of prayer and fasting. To help you as you lead your worshiping communities during this season we have chosen to focus on prayer by highlighting articles calling us to think more deeply about this priestly task. Also included in the e-newsletter are resources for broadening and deepening corporate prayers to fit your context. The blog section of this e-newsletter links to additional resources for Lent, Holy Week, and Easter. May my prayer be set before you like incense; may the lifting up of my hands be like the evening sacrifice. —Psalm 141: 2 |
| Priestly Prayers: Intercessions for the Church ...and World | “I have a complaint against you, Pastor," said the old brother. He had seemed so happy to see me when he answered the door. But I was barely seated before he wagged a bony finger at me and voiced his complaint. This time it was Israel's invasion of Lebanon. (The time before it had been the drought and starvation in Ethiopia.) "And you didn't even mention it in your prayer last Sunday," he said, shaking his head. "Not a word. I was disappointed." He was right, of course, and he started me thinking. What is the scope of intercessory prayer in the worship service? What should the pastor's prayer include? | | |
| Remembering the Forgotten Church: A Service of Prayer for the Middle East | A plea to remember the Middle East in prayer, with accompanying suggestions for what to pray for and an outline of a service that can be adapted to your context. Though written a decade ago, the liturgy is just as relevant today. | | | | | Bending God’s Ear: Ways to transform the ‘long’ prayer into a rich and meaningful part of the liturgy | This article provides suggestions for how to creatively lead the prayers of the people as well as how to discern what to pray for each week. | | | |
| | Subscribe today for print and digital issues  | Subscribe today to access premium content on the Reformed Worship website or in our digital library. This content includes ideas for all of Lent, Easter, Ascension, Pentecost, and so much more! | | | |
A day of prayer and fasting helped a congregation prepare for ministry. | |
A service of prayer for healing | |
A prayer service using the Lord's Prayer and the Heidelberg Catechism | |
More resources on prayer from Reformed Worship: Prayer Lectionary Resources from Reformed Worship: Year B | |
| 2024 Summer Seminars | The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship is pleased to announce its 2024 Summer Seminars at Calvin University in Grand Rapids, Michigan. These seminars are FREE to selected participants, but space is limited. Food and accommodation are included. Travel expenses are the responsibility of the attendees. Applications are due March 15, 2024. Participants will be selected by April 12, 2024. | | |
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