Bringing you relevant inspiration, right for this moment. | | april 2023 | Joyce Borger (senior editor) and Kai Ton Chau (associate editor) displaying two of RW’s awards following the ACP awards banquet. Photo by Carlos Lemagne Reformed Worship Wins Awards RW received 7 awards at last week’s Associated Church Press conference in Chicago, Il. Staff were especially honored to receive an award of excellence (first place) for our website design and an award of merit (second place) as the Best in Class for a denominational or special interest magazine. We are so grateful for the many individuals who contribute to RW by submitting their worship resources and articles. You provide the content that makes for an award winning journal. Thank you and keep submitting your resources! (We are preparing to work on the Advent and Christmas issue right now. It's not too late to send in your best resources for consideration.). | | | Services for Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, and Beyond Ascension, Pentecost, and Trinity Sundays deal with heady theological stories and themes, so it’s especially important to reinforce them in concrete ways that interact with our senses. We learn best when all of our human capacities are engaged. This cycle of stations is designed to be used one per week, in coordination with Scripture texts for Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity, and two additional Sundays. You can use the worship plans for these weeks or at another time during the year. The texts for each week are not drawn from any one particular year of the Revised Common Lectionary. In fact, the themes are general enough that even a congregation that is following the RCL would be able to use them with little adaptation.  | | | | Recovering the Importance of the Ascension A full-orbed understanding of the incarnation will also proclaim that the incarnation continues, that it is the incarnate Christ who has ascended. Jesus is our contemporary, not a historical figure from a dead past. He is living now, interacting with us now, and standing now in a human body in the presence of the Father. He is praying for us now, leading our worship now, feeling our pain now, sharing our humanity now. Any preaching or teaching about the incarnation that presents it only as a past event undermines our understanding of the ascension. | | | | | | A Service for Pentecost This service celebrates Pentecost both verbally and symbolically. Who is involved in the liturgy is symbolic of the new community which the Spirit gathers. What is done during worship is also symbolic of the new community pictured in Acts 2:44-45. | | | | | | | Subscribe today to the print or digital journal to access premium content and discover resources and planning tools that inform and inspire. | | | | worship planning resources | | | A hymn text by Jaroslav J. Jajda that can be either sung or recited as poetry and an Ascension Day prayer based on Colossians 2, Psalm 1, and Philippians 2. A prayer litany with sung refrain for Pentecost. A collection of prayers on various themes related to justice, reconciliation, and peace.  Reformed Worship has rich resources for preachers and worship planners whose worship services follow the Lectionary. Check out this chart for Year A resources. | | | | | | A mother’s reflection on her daughter’s first communion. “I understood then that she knew it was just bread and juice, but it was also mysterious, something she didn't totally understand, something that was a big deal.” | | | | | | | | | As we use the gifts that he has given us to praise him, we can’t help but grow as well. We grow in understanding about who God is and who he created us to be. Our faith in who God is grows. And our connection to God’s people and the larger story of salvation grows as well. | | | | | | Subscribe to our award-winning quarterly worship journal and be able to read articles with this symbol: | You are receiving Reformed Worship updates because you are a current or past subscriber to our print magazine, signed up on the website, or asked to be subscribed to the mailing list. Copyright © 2023 Reformed Worship. All rights reserved. | | | | |
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