“I love to tell the story… of Jesus and his love.” We are entering into the season of the Christian year where we have the opportunity to once again tell the story. In the most recent issue’s editorial, Joyce Borger says “Good stories nourish, heal, inspire, and teach. Stories are uniquely human. They are a gift.” How can you approach the story of Advent and Christmas this year as a gift? What opportunities can you give your church to unwrap it in new and surprising ways? This enewsletter has resources to inspire you as you re-tell the story. |
An Advent Series That Reaches Out to Inactive Members and Neighbors Are you missing familiar faces that used to worship in person more regularly? Hoping to draw your congregation back "home for Christmas?" This series has lovely invitations and whispers to come home and once again find Jesus in the manger. |
| | This unique take on the traditional Advent Candle lighting is designed to incorporate faith stories from members in your congregation. Invite reflections on "hope, joy, love, peace." | | | | | | What if your services during Advent began with silence and an invitation to slow down and rest? This simple candle liturgy will intentionally shift the way you begin Advent worship to encourage rest in a busy season. | | | |
| | | Discover content that inspires preachers and worship planners alike. Access Biblically-based resources for a multitude of worship topics. To access premium content on the Reformed Worship website or in our digital library, please subscribe today. | | | |
Worship planning Resources | | |
Reformed Worship has rich resources for preachers and worship planners whose worship services follow the Lectionary. Check out this chart for Year A resources for Advent-Epiphany. Year C resources for the remainder of this liturgical year are still available. | |
Three Sets of Scripture Readings (Year A) Looking for candle lighting liturgies that correspond with Lectionary Year A? This resource includes Scripture, prayer and liturgy. | |
A Series for Advent and Christmas From Eden to the New Jerusalem - this series for Advent and Christmas walks through different "places" encouraging us to consider our own places and spaces as part of the story of the incarnation. | |
Now is the time to plan visuals! This installment involves the help of the members of all ages in your congregation. Get started now so you'll have enough for the start of Advent! | |
| | | | Worship is so much more complicated and nuanced and important and rich! We cannot reduce it to the generalizations or categories of (old) hymns against newer modern songs, or youth v. seniors. Because even in trying to find labels (so we can find ourselves on one side or the other of this argument) we fall short. | | | |
| | | | This Sunday, as many people across different denominations partake in our respective communion practices, my prayer is that we truly lament the power we have allowed the Thief to have in our churches and then recommit ourselves to oneness, accord, and unification. | | | |
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