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  • Does Article Forge 3.0 actually write accurate content?
  • Hi there!

    I am absolutely floored right now! The feedback we've gotten about Article Forge 3.0 has been absolutely incredible.

    It was almost a little too incredible. 😳

    So many people are now using Article Forge that our system got a little bit overloaded on launch day. But after a couple all nighters and the purchase of $100,000 (!!) in additional machine learning servers, everything is back on track.

    Click here to try Article Forge 3.0 for yourself!

    I do, however want to address one question that people have been asking:

    "How does this even work? Are you actually using your own custom AI?"

    And that's a very reasonable question to ask. With all of the hype around AI lately, there are a lot of companies that talk about great AI but are actually just repackaging and reselling someone else's work.

    The short answer is that Article Forge was built with our own completely custom AI - and this AI is the only AI that is capable of writing high quality and factually accurate articles from scratch.

    You see, most content generation tools out there fall into one of two categories. They either:
    1. Scrape and spin (and have horrible quality!)
    2. Use AI to write text from scratch (but are often completely inaccurate!)
    Many older article generation tools scrape and spin content. And when looking at the results, it is instantly obvious that no sane human would ever write text so bad!

    Some newer tools, powered by things like GPT-3, will write text from scratch. At first glance, this content may seem ok, but these tools are not capable of doing any external research. This results in ridiculous statements like:

      Article Forge closed on January 1st, 2014. 😱

    Yes, GPT-3 actually wrote this - I know I wouldn't want a tool to write that about my business!

    Article Forge 3.0 goes an important step further. We have built our own deep learning model and taught it to write high quality articles from scratch, just like these newer tools.

    However, we also built our own research models that provide Article Forge with relevant factual information as reference material while it is writing. That way Article Forge writes articles that are unique, high quality, and factually accurate!
    (Super nerdy example: Imagine you are asked to write an article about the keyword SkyBoss. If you couldn't do any research, you may have no clue what SkyBoss is and you would be forced to make up a lot of things. However, if you could spend a little bit of time researching online, you would learn that SkyBoss is software for services like plumbers as well as other useful information. Armed with that information, you would be able to write a high quality and accurate article. AI is the same way - tools that use things like GPT-3 write articles without doing any research, whereas Article Forge properly researches your topic before writing an article. The difference in results are incredible!)

    Click here to start generating high-quality, relevant, unique content today!

    Now, with all of these advancements come increased costs - those servers I was talking about earlier aren't cheap…

    Right now, all of our Article Forge plans allow you to create unlimited articles in our web interface.

    Unfortunately, in order to keep up with demand, we aren't going to be able to do that anymore. 😢

    However, we promised that we would keep the unlimited plan live during this promotion, and we are going to stick to that.

    So as long as you sign up now and your account remains active, you will be able to create unlimited articles for life. You will still be able to create unlimited articles even when others will have to pay double, triple, or even ten times as much to get the same amount of content.

    So click here to get Article Forge 3.0 before our unlimited content plan goes away and our prices increase for good!


    -Alex Cardinell

    P.S. During this launch, all users will be able to create a completely free 5 day trial. This applies to everyone, so even if you have already used your free trial in the past, you will be able to create another one today. We want to make sure everyone is able to try Article Forge 3.0 for free!  
    Copyright © 2021 Cortx All rights reserved.

    Our mailing address is:
    901 South Bond Street
    Suite 204
    Baltimore, MD, 21231

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