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  • #DOCjustsummer: Green Chalice
  • July 1, 2020
    #DOCjustsummer: Green Chalice
    By Wendy Davidson, Disciples Peace Fellowship intern

    "The earth is the LORD’s and all that is in it,
               the world, and those who live in it”
    (Psalm 24:1)
    When I was little, my mom gave me a stuffed animal - a unicorn - that she carried with her from her own childhood. I cared for this unicorn deeply, but it was only as I grew older that I realized that my mother’s love for her childhood friend did not diminish when she entrusted the plush unicorn to me. The unicorn was mine to play with; however she was also mine to care for, just as my mother had cared for her, for as long as the unicorn was under my care.
    So, too, it is with the earth. The creation account in Genesis recounts that as God creates each facet of the universe, God affirms over and over that “it was good” (Genesis 1:4, 10, 12, 18, 21, 25, 31). Finally, God entrusts this good and beautiful world that God still loves to our care. How shall we treat the earth knowing how deeply God loves it and everything in it?
    Green Chalice began as the grassroots ministry of a handful of folks in Kentucky, dedicated to answering that question: how do we connect our faith to caring for the earth?

    Long before the protests and other events of recent weeks, groups of Disciples have banded together to do the work of justice. This summer, each issue of Disciples News Service will feature one of our many justice-oriented ministries and invite you to learn more about them. We hope you will find a place to put your passion to work!

    An added bonus for this effort is that our Disciples Peace Fellowship interns, while not able to travel to camps due to the COVID-19 cancellations, will be helping us see these ministries through fresh eyes.

    See how Disciples have shown up and spoken out in recent weeks. And it's not too late to add your signature to renew your commitment to being a pro-reconciling/anti-racist Church.
    16 Action-hacks to attack racism July 15

    People are suffering. How can the church show that it’s listening? How do we exercise Biblical justice as Disciples of Christ? There are some practices that leaders, congregations, and organizations can adopt to eradicate systemic racism. The Bible is clear that all people are made in God’s image. Racism and oppression are against the heart of God, who does not tolerate injustice.

    You can courageously and radically transform your church and community into an active force for justice and solace when the world seems to tell certain people that they don’t matter. Racism is a sin that needs to be called out. Will you use your voice? This New Church Hacks episode will empower you to:

    ·        Dismantle racism from the pulpit and beyond
    ·        Engage anti-racism training at all levels of formation in your church
    ·        Support organizations and community activists that are at the frontlines
    ·        Discuss different ways in which others are fighting against racism
    ·        Celebrate humanity’s rich cultures and diverse ethnic backgrounds and traditions.

    Registrants will receive a recording of the webinar after it airs, so be sure to register!
    NBA XPLOR announces hiatus for 2020-21 program year

    After considerable discernment, the National Benevolent Association (NBA) has made the difficult decision to place our young adult residential program, NBA XPLOR, on hiatus for the 2020-21 program year. Through analysis, consultation, and prayer, NBA understands there are many unpredictable variables in hosting a residential program in these uncertain times. Considering NBA’s vision of creating communities of compassion and care, we believe that our Residents, Host Teams, and the NBA staff are best served by placing the program on hiatus for the 2020-21 program year.
    Apply for a COVID-19 NBA Response Grant - Cycle 2 now open!

    To offer a rapid and impactful response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the National Benevolent Association is offering grant funding to support Disciples-related ministries that are working locally in response to this crisis. With this funding, we seek to offer relief to ministries that have been detrimentally impacted and to support new projects created in service to those suffering because of the pandemic. All Disciples-related health and social services ministries and congregation-affiliated projects in the United States and Canada are invited to apply. Eligible applicants must demonstrate in detail their financial need for support related to COVID-19. For more information and to apply, visit NBAcares.org/covid-19-grants.
    National Convocation schedules online business session for Aug. 15
    The National Convocation has opened registration for its 26th Biennial Session virtual business meeting on Saturday, August 15. Business items for the two-hour online meeting are:
    a. Install new Officers;
    b. Install new At-Large Members;
    c. Receive the Strategic Plan and Vision Statement;
    d. Approve the Amendments to the Articles of Operation;
    e. Receive the Advisory Committee report;
    f. Receive the Nominating Committee report;
    g. and receive the Time & Place Report.
    You count!

    Future planning by governments, nonprofits and others is directly affected by the numbers from the census, so in spite of the pandemic and because of the inequities in how communities are resourced, General Minister and President Rev. Teresa Hord Owens reminds us that 2020 is a census year in the United States. Fill out the quick form at 2020census.gov to make a difference for your community for the next 10 years!
    COVID-19 resources available

    The Office of the General Minister and President has compiled a collection of resources and statements from Church leadership in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are updating this page with more resources as available.

    Rev. Terri Hord Owens will be continuing the Wednesday Facebook Live prayers throughout the summer. She will also be continuing her Friday meetings with pastors and chaplains via Zoom. Register here
    Please note: The Office of General Minister and President, including Treasury Services, will be closed
    July 1-5, 2020.
    Bring the world to your church!

    As we continue to worship with care, there are many ways to bring the world to you congregation!

    Global Ministries mission co-workers are available to join you virtually – either live or with pre-recorded presentations:
    • to preach in a Sunday service
    • to share in gatherings during the week
    • to lead a Sunday school classes
    Looking for engaging Sunday school ideas? Consider planning four Sundays of live presentations, pre-recorded presentations, or a mixture of both. Have an exciting month of learning about God’s work in the world!

    Mission co-workers who have served in places like Kenya, the Dominican Republic, East Timor, and Greece are available.
    For questions or to invite someone to share their story, please contact Cathy Nichols. 
    People-to-people postponed

    With a sense of great responsibility and following Jesus’ second commandment of “Love your neighbor as yourself,” the People-to-People program decided to postpone all pilgrimages for the remainder of the year. In other words, all pilgrimages planned through December 31, 2020, are postponed. While a sad and difficult decision, it is meant to protect already vulnerable and overwhelmed global communities. If you are planning a mission pilgrimage on your own, please consider postponing as well. Read the full statement.
    Chalice Press anti-racism titles available

    “If we say that we are a pro-reconciliation, anti-racism church, we must choose every day to be who we say we are. That means not only standing up, but speaking up and acting in solidarity without fear.” Terri Hord Owens, General Minister and President of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)

    As disciples of Christ and Disciples of Christ, we share a common goal – creating an anti-racist, pro-reconciling church. We also know there are as many ways to reach that goal as there are Disciples congregations.
    • It starts with honest, heartfelt conversations that ask the question, “where do we get started?”
    • That leads to effective sermons that help your entire congregation ask, “what can we do about this?”
    • Next come the small-group discussions where friends who trust each other can ask, “what do I need to change about myself?”
    • And then, our churches reach into their communities, asking, “how can we be part of the solution?”
    For every step along the journey, Chalice Press can help. Our authors speak from their personal experience and education to help us learn more about the history and impact of racism on the church and our country at this critical moment. Whichever conversation you need to have, the most important piece is to make this learning and conversation a priority in your congregation and to do the work together. 
    Disciples News Service (DNS) is distributed by Communication Ministries, in the Office of the General Minister and President, and is supported by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund. To change your subscription, or submit news for consideration in DNS, visit our website.

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