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Q1'20 GDP report: Broad-based shocks to global economy weighs on the country's growth | Nigeria Economic Alert |
Our latest Nigeria Economic Alert: Q1'20 GDP report: Broad-based shocks to global economy weighs on the country's growth provides an analysis of Q1'2020 GDP figures recently released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS). Nigeria's economy recorded the slowest first-quarter growth since 2016 (post-recession). Real GDP rose by 1.87% year on year, from N16.57trn in Q1 2019 to N16.89trn in Q1 2020. This performance was due to the typical low-growth trend in economic activities, which usually occurs during the first quarter. However, the low growth trends in Q1 2020 was further impacted by the twin shocks to the global economy resulting from COVID-19 outbreak and the oil price war between Saudi Arabia and Russia. The outbreak of COVID-19 has brought to the fore the need to build a resilient economy that can withstand global shocks. This is a great opportunity for Nigeria to adopt a balanced growth approach, which emphasises the importance of simultaneously developing non-oil sectors and the oil sector value-chain. Download the full Alert below and feel free to reach out to us if you require an in depth discussion on the economic indices and possible scenarios for the future. |
Contact us Andrew S. Nevin (PhD) Partner & Chief Economist andrew.x.nevin@pwc.com | Omomia Omosomi Manager omomia.omosomi@pwc.com |
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