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  • Sailing rough seas in the Jesus Way
  • April 29, 2020
    COVID-19 resources available

    The Office of the General Minister and President has compiled a collection of resources and statements from Church leadership in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We are updating this page with more resources as available. A few resources for your deliberations on gathering in person appear at the end of this e-letter.

    New list of links for mental health and trauma resources compiled by Week of Compassion, National Benevolent Association and Disciples Home Missions were added April 27.
    Sailing rough seas in the Jesus Way
    It seems we are all a bit at sea in the stormy waters of the pandemic, economic meltdown and cultural fracture. “There is an unprecedented need for a healthy male spirituality focused on Jesus,” said Rev. Alex Ruth, associate director of Disciples Men.

    The Jesus Way curriculum is an answer to that need. “Greg (Alexander, lead author) chose the metaphor of a sailboat for this study,” Ruth said. “That image goes a long way since we are not always in control of the winds – the ruach* - around us, and we must adapt.”

    The Jesus Way is based on the concept of cultivating the individual’s identity as a follower of Christ, but also the impact of having a cohort of companions on the journey to a mature faith. Alexander, director of Disciples Men, has had the notion of just such a curriculum for years, even predating his decades as regional minister in Kentucky. The curriculum available includes several podcasts as well as a 24-lesson series.

    *Ruah or ruach is  a Hebrew word meaning 'breath, spirit'
    Sessions 2020 postponed
    The General Conference of Disciples Men regrets to announce that Sessions 2020 to be held on the campus of TCU has been cancelled. The decision was made to fully live into the planned theme for the event, “I Am My Brother’s Keeper.” With the dramatic impact of COVID-19, the best way we can be our brother’s keeper is to suspend meeting in person this summer.

    However, all hope is not lost! The Sessions Planning Team is already working on a plan to hold Sessions 2020 in 21! Plans are in the beginning stages, but we hope to offer a one-day event leading up to General Assembly. This will be a unique opportunity to gather as Disciples Men for Sessions, and then support our denomination with our presence at the assembly. Stay tuned for more information in the coming months.

    Stay tuned to the Disciples Men webpage for updates.
    What does hope look like in our changing landscape? What color is hope?

    The Disciples AllianceQ invites you to “hope in color.” Using a new color each week, Colors of Hope encourages us to wonder, engage, embody, create and share. In light of the COVID-19 pandemic and life’s ongoing challenges, with a surge of digital content and an increase in screen time, this series invites us to experience the divine and all of creation through refreshing practices that require little or no online activity. The project features thought-provoking inspirational messages and practices. Every Tuesday there will be a 10-12-minute podcast featuring a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) leader including Allen Harris, CJ Abramowitz-Rodriguez, Luther Young, Andy Deeb, Sophia Hayes-Jackson, Alysha Laperche and others. The podcast explores one of the week's lectionary texts and includes a transcript for accessibility. Apart from the Tuesday podcasts, the practices do not require online activity.

    AllianceQ saw the need for individual and collective embodied spiritual practices. Supplemental resources are available on Well Fed Spirit, affiliated with the Office of Christian Vocations of the Christian Church (Disciples Christ).

    The eight colors are from Gilbert Baker’s original Pride flag. Pink stood for sex, red for life, orange for healing, yellow for sunlight, green for nature, turquoise for magic, blue for harmony and purple for spirit. Gilbert Baker’s life story, like that of the gay rights movement, is one of resilience and transformation. AllianceQ will release mental health resources throughout April, which is mental health awareness month.
    Invitation to join in prayer

    Jesus, savior and friend, give your people in the Pacific Southwest region the strength to move on, to show your love, to be your people in these uncertain and sometimes chaotic times. Remind them of your precious care and empower them to continue their care for all your people. Amen.
    Eight steps to prepare your community for a social justice crisis like Ferguson
    provided by Rev. Dr. Dietra Wise Baker, program coordinator for activism and advocacy, National Benevolent Association

    Here are eight simple (and we think accessible) ways for your congregations, projects, organizations to become more prepared for a social justice crisis. This might be overwhelming, but our experience with Ferguson, Charlottesville, and Baton Rouge and now the coronavirus is proof we need to prepare in advance before a crisis hits our communities. Here are eight simple ways for your communities of compassion and care to become more prepared.
    General Minister and President offers census reminder

    In the midst of all we're doing to respond to COVID-19, General Minister and President Rev. Teresa Hord Owens reminds us that 2020 is a Census year in the United States. Fill out the quick form at 2020census.gov to make a difference for your community for the next 10 years!
    Notice re: Pentecost
    Due to the COVID-19 outbreak and the number of congregations not meeting in person, printed Pentecost materials will not be mailed. Printable downloads and videos are available on disciplesmissionfund.org.

    Available for download or viewing by May 26: A short video message for Pentecost from Rev. Terri Hord Owens.
    REMINDER: DCEF offering short-term loans for congregations

    To help Disciples congregations minimize the impact of the coronavirus on their ministries, Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF) is offering a unique suite of loan products especially designed to meet borrowing needs during these uncertain times. If your ministry is experiencing financial issues, call us at 1-800-274-1883 or contact your DCEF Building and Capital Services Advisor. Find out how we can help your church stay healthy despite the pandemic through emergency, short-term financing, including for operational purposes.

    DCEF is also able to offer assistance to churches that choose to apply for the PPP Loan that is a result of the CARES Act. Recently, the funding for these loans was completely used and banks were no longer accepting applications for the funds. In anticipation of a new wave of funding being passed by Congress, we want to remind congregations again to consider if this funding program might be a need for your congregation. If you determine it is, more information about how DCEF is helping churches in the application process can be found at this link on the DCEF website. 
    Now, as always, funds invested with DCEF allow us to make timely loans possible for congregations in need. We offer a variety of vehicles, including Demand Notes, Fixed- and Variable-Rate Term Notes, Traditional and Roth IRAs (not available in Puerto Rico), Educational Growth Notes and special-rate, limited-time offerings. To learn more about our available investment options, rates and terms, visit disciplescef.org.
    This is not an offer to sell our securities to you and we are not soliciting you to buy our securities. We will offer and sell our securities only in states where authorized. The offering is made solely by our Offering Circular, which you should read carefully before making your investment decision. Like mutual funds or stocks, our securities are not insured by the FDIC or any other government agency. Rates may change without notice. Consult your tax advisor. An investment involves certain risks and a risk of loss as more fully disclosed in the Offering Circular.
    NBA offers COVID-19 response grants

    To offer a rapid and impactful response to the Coronavirus pandemic, the National Benevolent Association is offering grant funding to support Disciples-related ministries that are working locally in response to this crisis. With this funding, we seek to offer relief to ministries that have been detrimentally impacted and to support new projects created in service to those suffering because of the pandemic. All Disciples-related health and social services ministries and congregation-affiliated projects in the United States and Canada are invited to apply. Eligible applicants must demonstrate in detail their financial need for support related to COVID-19. For more information and to apply, visit NBAcares.org/covid-19-grants.
    To advertise in Disciples News Service, contact Cherilyn Williams
    As you consider gathering again in person...

    Disciples News Service (DNS) is distributed by Communication Ministries, in the Office of the General Minister and President, and is supported by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund. To change your subscription, or submit news for consideration in DNS, visit our website.

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