What Do You Appreciate About Your Church During COVID-19? We’d love to know: What is one thing you appreciate about your church during this season of COVID-19? Share here. Featured Posts Council Clerks Template for Digital Council Elections by Steve Dykstra A sample resource for managing council elections while social distancing. Worship, Training and Education Online Worship Classes Available This Summer at Calvin University by Worship Ministries You're invited to register for summer online worship classes through Calvin University. There will be several offerings available! Community Engagement, Global Mission The Gospel According to Frontline Healthcare Workers by John Van Sloten I interviewed an Alberta emergency room physician, an emergency room nurse, a unit nurse, and a primary-care paramedic. Here's what I found. Leadership Development Decision-making During COVID-19 Requires Courage and Humility by Cecil Van Niejenhuis Church leaders have decisions to make during COVID-19. Decision-making requires courage and humility—both, and at the same time. Biblical Justice Living the Call - Mercy and Justice (April 2020) by CRC Communications Look inside for updates from World Renew, Canadian Indigenous Ministries Committee, Centre for Public Dialogue, Disability Concerns, the Office of Social Justice, Race Relations, and Safe Church Ministry. Family Ministry, Let's Talk About... West Michigan Adopted People's Group (Q&A) by Andrew Rienstra Are you an adopted person or the parent of an adopted person? Or, do you have questions about adoption? If so, I'd love to connect with you! Safe Church, About Safe Church Ministry Changes for Safe Church Ministry as Director Plans to Retire by Bonnie Nicholas Safe Church leadership will soon change as I plan to retire in November. Yet the work of equipping congregations in abuse awareness, prevention, and response will continue. Biblical Justice, Intergenerational Ministry Immigration Is Our Story: A Call For More Interviews by Melissa Stek Do you know your family's immigration story? With all this time at home in the COVID-19 crisis, find out what yours is, record it in an interview, and your story could be added to the "Immigration Is Our Story" series! Women in Leadership Your Brain Won't Work as Well, Tips for Spiritual Leaders During COVID-19 by Diane Dykgraaf Tips for living through a crisis were discussed by the Women's Ministry Cluster in April. The helpful ideas shared gave hope and encouragement. Faith Nurture, Family Ministry Maybe What We Need Most Right Now Is a Bedtime Song by Karen Deboer What if today you released all that you've been holding so tightly, and replaced it with this? Worship, Training and Education Ask the Worship Coach Webinar (Q&A Summary) by Worship Ministries Here are some of the questions and answers from the April 22 webinar called Ask the Worship Coach. Many practical suggestions were offered! Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture New Bible Story Episodes by Kids Corner Kids Corner has added brand new Bible Story episodes! Check out David and Goliath, Jesus Calms the Storm, and other new stories for kid and families to enjoy. Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture Kids Corner Writing Job by Kids Corner Kids Corner is looking for a team of writers interested in helping families learn about the Bible and faith formation. Prayer Call to Prayer - 2020 U.S. National Day of Prayer by Diane Dykgraaf Join in prayer on May 7, three opportunities to join a prayer group as well as resources for your church to plan a prayer service. Faith Nurture Celebrating Life's Milestones in an Upside-Down World by Lesli van Milligen Here are 4 things to consider as you talk about how to celebrate graduation and other milestones in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. Faith Nurture Lament as a Response to Loss by Bret Lamsma Many of us haven't been taught how to express negative emotions when it comes to our faith. Fortunately the Bible gives us plenty of models to follow. Church Admin & Finance, Ministry in Canada Should Churches Accept Government Funds During COVID19? by CRC Communications Several churches have reached out to the denomination to ask if they should apply for grants and other financial supports from the government. Here are some things to consider. Disability Concerns, Let's Talk About... Some Thoughts on Governments' Responses to COVID-19 by Michele Gyselinck A few years ago my sister bought a board game titled Pandemic. Every time we played, we lost. We used to think we were doing something wrong. Now I think it's the nature of the beast. | Ministry Q&As Check out the latest ministry questions posted on The Network: Church Positions Check out the latest church and ministry openings on The Network: More Posts Check out the latest Resources, Discussion Topics and other posts on The Network: Need Ministry Help? If you're involved in a church ministry and wondering if your denomination can help with something, just: We're here to serve, and would love to connect you with people and resources to support your church's ministry. Follow us!
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