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  • Disciples invited to June 20 Moral March on Washington
  • March 4, 2020
    Disciples invited to June 20 Moral March on Washington
    “Then the righteous will answer him, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

     “The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’” – Matthew 25:37-40

    Jesus’ call to care for the poor resonates deeply with most Christians. The causes are many and the solutions are complex, but one way to show your support of the people impacted by poverty is to participate in the June 20 march in Washington, DC organized by the Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival.

    The campaign organizers have worked hard to make sure the voices of people impacted by poverty are heard. According to a Sept. 10, 2019 report by National Public Radio, “[T]he Census Bureau found that 38.1 million people in 2018 were poor. This was 1.4 million fewer poor people than in 2017, but about one in eight Americans still lived below the poverty line — $25,465 for a family with two adults and two children.” This does not take into account those who are low-income ($50,000 for that same family of four). You likely know many people who are struggling whether it be from wage stagnation, high housing costs or medical bills. The Poor People’s Campaign offers state-by-state fact sheets.
    Invitation to join in prayer

    Creator God, lord of rolling hills and bustling cities, quiet Comforter and energizing Presence, we thank you for the varieties of gifts you give. We thank you for the older adult ministries and rural church initiatives as well as the camps and justice work taking place across the Mid-America region. Bless the members and leaders of the region in all their many places of work and worship as they move through a season of hope and transition. Amen.
    Sessions 2020: I Am My Brother's Keeper

    Where will you be in less than 20 weeks? With your fellow Disciples Men on the campus of TCU, of course!

    Sessions 2020, July 10-12, will be an outstanding opportunity to fellowship with other men, to dig deeper into our faith, to hear some awesome teaching and preaching, and to build lasting relationships with our brothers in Christ. Early-bird registration is open now! So, get signed up today and join us this summer at Sessions 2020.
    2020 Year Book reporting window open through March 15

    The annual Year Book & Directory is all about connections between expressions of the Church. Congregations and clergy, general and regional ministries, and General Assembly reports and resolutions are contained in each issue.

    The reporting window for the 2020 Year Book is open through March 15.

    Visit disciples.org/yearbook to download instructions, answers to frequently asked questions, instructional webinar for congregations, PDF forms in English, Spanish, Korean, and French, and to submit your report online.

    The Year Book serves as an invaluable resource for church staff and members, as well as the official record of a year in the life of our Church – and it’s not complete without you!
    National Convocation searches for interim administrative secretary

    The National Convocation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Board of Trustees is searching for the position of Interim Administrative Secretary. The Interim Administrative Secretary will provide the leadership, management and vision necessary to undergird the ministries of the National Convocation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (NCCC) and the National Christian Missionary Convention (NCMC) for a two-year period (Dec. 2020 – Dec. 2022).

    Applications are due March 31.
    Applications open for HELM scholarships

    The Leadership Fellows program is a leadership development program for Disciples undergraduate students. Each of the four years of undergraduate education has a different focus: Community, Transformation, Global Awareness, and Mentoring. Click here to learn more about the Leadership Fellows program and to access the online application.

    For Disciples students pursuing a PhD in the field of religion, HELM offers two scholarships, the William Gilbert and Florence Leonard Jones Scholarship and the Ann E. Dickerson Scholarship. Click here for more information on these scholarships and to access the online application.

    All application materials for both the Leadership Fellows Program and PhD scholarships must be received by April 30. If you have questions, please contact Jon Barnes.
    National Benevolent Association extends XPLOR 2020-21 application deadline

    The NBA initiates ministries designed to establish and grow partnerships with health and social service supporters and providers. Drawing upon this rich history, NBA continues to assist Disciples to join systemic justice work with direct care and action.
    In 2014, we launched NBA XPLOR, a prophetic movement of young adults who are considering lives of care and service. The Residency provides 10-month professional development and vocational discernment opportunities for 21- to 30-year-olds to live simply in community and engage in direct service and justice work. Through NBA XPLOR, we partner young adults with Disciples congregations, regional and general ministries, and wider communities—positively engaging neighborhoods, the congregations, and the young adults.
    We are currently accepting applications for our 2020-21 cohort. Applications for this XPLOR cohort will be received until all spaces are full. Your applications are welcome and you will be contacted immediately with updated news on openings. For questions and more information, contact Rev. Ben Bohren. To learn more about the XPLOR program, visit nbacares.org/xplor.

    To advertise in Disciples News Service, contact Cherilyn Williams
    DCEF to host church finances workshop in Ohio

    Every pastor has a list of important topics that weren’t covered in a seminary lecture hall, and overseeing church finances is often at the top of that list.

    Belinda King, Vice President of Disciples Church Extension Fund (DCEF), will be hosting “How to Keep Church Finances in order without Compromising Ministry” on Saturday, April 4, 9:30 AM-1:30 PM at Camp Christian. Learn how to build the financial tools needed to handle financial administration in your church. With a focus on financial stewardship and financial administration, this workshop will help you strategize for your church’s financial stability. This event is for pastors, treasurers, trustees, financial secretaries, elders, and anyone who wants more financial knowledge of church business. 

    Attendees will walk away with basic knowledge in and able to do some hands-on practice with:
    • Stewardship vs. financial administration
    • Financial legal matters
    • Reading a financial statement
    • Financial myths
    • Best practices
    • Financial toolboxes and more!

    The registration fee is $10 per person (registered by March 29; $15 March 30 and after). Lunch is included.
    Association of Disciple Musicians conference registration is open

    The 59th annual Association of Disciple Musicians Conference for music and worship is being held on the University of Tulsa campus this summer, July 26-31

    Details and registration are available on the ADM website. If you would like to be on the ADM mailing list, please contact Brad Burnham.
    More opportunities to put ministry into action

    • Register for 2020 Ecumenical Advocacy Days national gathering (April 24-27 in Washington, DC)


    Disciples News Service (DNS) is distributed by Communication Ministries, in the Office of the General Minister and President, and is supported by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund. To change your subscription, or submit news for consideration in DNS, visit our website.

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