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  • Foundation hosts Disciples Development Conference
  • January 29, 2020
    Foundation hosts Disciples Development Conference

    More than 40 Disciples representing 29 ministries across the life of the Church gathered in Jacksonville, FL earlier this month for the Disciples Development Conference hosted by the Christian Church Foundation.

    On our first night together, development officers, fundraisers, and ministers heard from Rev. Lee Hull Moses, Chief of Staff in the Office of the General Minister and President, about the meaningful intersection between our faith and development work.

    We continued to learn and fellowship the next day from our keynote speaker, Lani Starkey, of Fifty Rock Consulting, and through our afternoon breakout sessions: "Permanent Funds and Fiduciary Responsibilities," "Growing Your Organization's Endowment Beyond Expectations," and "New Faces, New Ideas, New Visions: Development-focused Conversation for Mid-Level Development Professionals and Those New to the Field.".

    The conference closed Thursday morning with Rev. Bruce Barkhauer, Director of the Center for Faith and Giving, leading the group in conversation about stewardship in the 21st century.

    The Development Conference was a great opportunity to spend time with colleagues, learning from each other and hearing more about the work and ministry we do.

    The 2021 conference is scheduled for Jan. 12-14.
    Invitation to join in prayer

    Creative Spirit, we pray for your continuing fire as the Indiana region’s congregations try new ways to accomplish faith formation, living out your call to make disciples. We thank you for the vision of the leaders who are re-purposing resources to support these efforts. Guide their steps toward you. Amen.
    10 steps toward disaster preparedness

    Thinking about preparing your church for a disaster can be overwhelming. How can leaders begin such a big task with so many variables and unknowns?

    The best way to begin is simply to begin! Every step you take toward preparedness, even small steps, will help protect people and assets and–most importantly–better enable your community to help others after a disaster or emergency event. Here are ten simple ways for your congregation to become more prepared:

    1. Post the church address, phone number, and emergency contacts by every phone, fire alarm, defibrillator, and first aid kit at the church.
    2. Sign up for local emergency alert systems, and keep a battery or crank weather radio at the church.
    3. Create evacuation and shelter-in-place signs and have evacuation and shelter-in-place drills.
    4. Locate the emergency shutoff valves for gas and water and the main electrical breakers for your church buildings. Make sure multiple leaders know these locations.
    5. Put flashlights in main rooms and by emergency shut offs. Check the batteries regularly.
    6. Back up important church documents–with hard and digital copies–and store in safe locations both on- and off-site.
    7. Update the church’s insurance information.
    8. Introduce church leaders to city and county emergency officials.
    9. Update the church directory, including emergency contact information and notes about members who would need assistance in an evacuation, prolonged power outage, or other emergency situation.
    10. Stock water and non-perishable food in case people need to shelter at the church.
    Upper Midwest opens search for new regional minister

    The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Upper Midwest is seeking to call an ordained minister with standing in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) to the position of Regional Minister and President. A Regional Profile and Position Description are posted here.

    All applicants are required to provide updated search and call paperwork in order to be considered. Furthermore, all applicants are required to submit a Letter of Interest to the Upper Midwest Regional Office by March 1, 2020, addressed to: Search Committee Chairperson, Rev. Suzie Moore, Christian Church in the Upper Midwest, 5064 Lincoln St., Newton, Iowa, 50208.
    2020 Year Book reporting window is open through March 15

    The annual Year Book & Directory is all about connections between expressions of the Church. Congregations and clergy, general and regional ministries, and General Assembly reports and resolutions are contained in each issue.

    The reporting window for the 2020 Year Book is open through March 15.

    Visit disciples.org/yearbook to download instructions, answers to frequently asked questions, instructional webinar for congregations, PDF forms in English, Spanish, Korean, and French, and to submit your report online.

    The Year Book serves as an invaluable resource for church staff and members, as well as the official record of a year in the life of our Church – and it’s not complete without you!
    Applications open for HELM scholarships

    The Leadership Fellows program is a leadership development program for Disciples undergraduate students. Each of the four years of undergraduate education has a different focus: Community, Transformation, Global Awareness, and Mentoring. Click here to learn more about the Leadership Fellows program and to access the online application.

    For Disciples students pursuing a PhD in the field of religion, HELM offers two scholarships, the William Gilbert and Florence Leonard Jones Scholarship and the Ann E. Dickerson Scholarship. Click here for more information on these scholarships and to access the online application.

    All application materials for both the Leadership Fellows Program and PhD scholarships must be received by April 30. If you have questions, please contact Jon Barnes.
    To advertise in Disciples News Service, contact Cherilyn Williams
    Global Mission Internship application window open

    Do you have a young adult in your life who is interested in international service? Are you approaching graduation and want to witness God’s work in the world? Global Ministries’ Global Mission Intern (GMI) program invites you to serve for one to three years with one of our international partners.

    Who can apply?
    • Any young adult who is a member of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and/or the United Church of Christ between the ages of 21-30 who has graduated or who is about to graduate from college
    • Any young adult willing to receive the gifts of our partners as well as to share in an intentional process of service.

    If you are interested, please fill out the application and return it to the Mission Personnel Office by Jan 31. The Global Mission Intern program is generously funded by Week of Compassion and special gifts to Global Ministries.
    Applications for NBA's 2020-21 XPLOR program are open

    NBA XPLOR is a movement for young adults who are considering lives of care and service. The Residency provides 10-month professional development and vocational discernment opportunities for 21-30-year-olds to live simply in community and engage in direct service and justice work. We partner young adults with Disciples congregations, regional and general ministries, and wider communities—positively engaging neighborhoods, the congregations, and the young adults. 
    If you, or someone you know would be interested in NBA's XPLOR program please consider applying on the NBA website. The deadline is Feb. 14.
    Disciples News Service (DNS) is distributed by Communication Ministries, in the Office of the General Minister and President, and is supported by your gifts to Disciples Mission Fund. To change your subscription, or submit news for consideration in DNS, visit our website.

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