Let’s Make a Worship Playlist What are some of your favorite worship songs? I set The Network up with a Spotify account in order to make a playlist of all your favorite worship songs. Would you help us out and share a song or two? We are excited to see how God might use this! Featured Posts Children's Ministry, Faith Nurture Screen Time Limits Aren't Just For Kids: Five Ways to Transform Your Technology Use by Jill Benson Everybody is talking about technology and its effect on kids, but what's less often talked about is the effect of parental overuse on their children. Here are five suggestions for creating healthy technology habits. Faith Nurture Thanks Be to God For _______________ (Week 1) by Staci Devries Anyone up for a gratitude challenge? For the next four weeks, The Network invites you to share evidence of God's goodness in your life. Church Admin & Finance, Finance, Contributions, Pastors, Financial Shalom, Stewardship Does Jesus Want Me to Buy My Friends? by Phillip Leo "Come again, Jesus? You're pushing swag? To influence people? A bit unseemly, wouldn't you say?" Community Engagement, Deacons, Community Engagement Connecting With Community - First CRC Grand Rapids by Andrew Ryskamp Bates Place Neighbors is the community center through which First CRC in Grand Rapids is building relationships with neighbors. This newsletter is a great example of how it is done and how progress is being made. Biblical Justice Loving People Where They Are At by Lisa Etter-Carlson This short reflection offers a glimpse into the essence of Contextualized Community Care. We spend time with precious people who sleep outside, use drugs, and have to engage in survival sex work. Faith Nurture Abiding by Jolene DeHeer How do we cope with the ever-growing plague of loneliness? In my life, the spiritual disciplines of silence and solitude remind me I'm not alone. Faith Nurture Coaches' Corner: Micro-Sabbaths by Faith Formation Ministries While we often hear about the Sabbath day and the need to have a day of rest, micro-Sabbaths are short moments of stopping in each day to reorient ourselves in relationship to God and God's work. Youth Ministry Why Send High School Students on a Mission Trip by Arek O'Connell Now I know that pastors, or any Christians for that matter, aren't supposed to admit this out loud, but I struggle with short-term mission trips. Here is why I still go. Classis, Deacons, Leadership and Administration Deacons at Classis & Synod: Moving From Formal to Focused by Diaconal Ministries Canada While classis and synod may seem too formal to some, perhaps there is value in the way they are designed and conducted. Perhaps instead of being too formal, they are actually focused. | Ministry Q&As Check out the latest ministry questions posted on The Network: Church Positions Check out the latest church and ministry openings on The Network: More Posts Check out the latest Resources, Discussion Topics and other posts on The Network: Need Ministry Help? If you're involved in a church ministry and wondering if your denomination can help with something, just: We're here to serve, and would love to connect you with people and resources to support your church's ministry. Follow us! 
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