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  • New Posts on The Network | August 27, 2019
  • Network Newsletter 8.27.19

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    Featured Posts
    Children's Ministry, Sunday School, Faith Nurture
    Start the Sunday School Year With Encouragement and Excitement—Pep Rally Style!
    by Jill Benson

    Use this pep rally idea and commissioning litany to send your Sunday School kids into a new year of learning about God with excitement and encouragement.

    Children's Ministry, Worship
    In Defense of the Children's Message
    by Kim Van Es

    I started out a skeptic, but I've come to see a lot of value in children's messages.

    Children's Ministry, Sunday School, Disability Concerns, Children and Youth
    Owen's Letter and Building Relationships in Your Children's and Youth Ministry
    by Disability Concerns

    Owen Wigger and his family sent a letter to his first-grade teacher and classmates. Because he does not speak, this letter will help pave the way for their relationships with him.

    Faith Nurture
    Coaches' Corner: Finding the Values Behind our Strategies
    by Faith Formation Ministries

    One of the most challenging aspects of ministry programming can be to deviate from strategies and program elements that already seem to be successful. Why fix what isn't broken?

    Spiritual Healing for Survivors of Sex Trafficking
    by CRCNA Chaplaincy and Care

    Churches are truly helpful when they listen a lot and lecture very little.

    Children's Ministry, Dwell Curriculum, Faith Nurture
    How to Help People See Themselves as Children's Ministry Leaders
    by Jill Benson

    Even in our most desperate recruiting moments, we don't just want any warm body to lead Dwell. We want the right people to step into the role. Here's a quick script you could use for a church announcement as you look for quality Dwell leaders.

    Women in Leadership
    Swollen Rivers and a Welcoming Prayer
    by Diane Dykgraaf

    At a recent Women's Ministry Cluster, we had an honest discussion about our God-given emotions and how God uses them for good. Learn more about the conversation, as well information on clusters.

    Faith Nurture, Young Adults
    How Your Church Can Help Launch College Students Well (Part 1)
    by Lesli van Milligen

    As part of a covenant promise-keeping body of believers, how can a student's church family help support their launch? Let's look at a CRC church in Barrie, Ontario, for some good ideas.

    Global Mission, Worship
    27 Mission-Related Worship Songs
    by Resonate Global Mission

    Is your church planning a mission emphasis service or event? Here's a list of mission-focused worship songs.

    Safe Church
    Caring Well: A New Resource for Churches
    by Safe Church Ministry

    Caring Well is wonderful new resource for churches. Discover how caring for those who have experienced abuse is central to the gospel, and learn practical ways to do that in your congregation.

    Worship, Training and Education
    Can You Hear Me?
    by Worship Ministries

    157 volunteers and tech leaders attended Church Sound Bootcamp, a two-day event that covered any and all questions related to audio equipment. Learn more and consider joining in the future!

    Let's Talk Sermons
    by Staci Devries

    Is your church in the middle of a sermon series or getting ready to start a new one this fall? If so, what is the topic?


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    1700 28th Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508-1407 | 3475 Mainway, Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8

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