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  • New Posts on The Network | June 11, 2019
  • Network Newsletter 6.11.19

    New Ministry Questions Seeking Answers

    Does your church have a plan in place in the case of an active shooter? Does your church follow up VBS week with a special Sunday? How is your church’s nursery structured? These are just a few questions recently posted by your Network peers. Might you be able to respond? Browse all the latest ministry questions and post a response today.

    Featured Posts
    Why Deacons Should Go to Inspire 2019
    by CRC Communications

    Deacons work to create community, encourage service and stewardship, and reach out to fill needs in people's lives. Find ideas and inspiration in these tasks at Inspire 2019.

    Pastors, Regional Pastors
    Pastors Who Grieve While in Ministry
    by David Den Haan

    A year ago, in a conversation with a regional pastor, I was led to think seriously again about pastors who experience significant loss while in ministry.

    Pastors, Regional Pastors
    Tour de North
    by Rev. Joel Ringma

    Ministry can be lonely work.  That's why it is crucial to intentionally connect ourselves with a team of riders, heading in the same direction.

    Global Mission
    How Is Your Church Involved in Mission?
    by Resonate Global Mission

    How is your church spreading the gospel in your community and throughout the globe?

    Safe Church, About Safe Church Ministry
    Reflections on the 25th Anniversary of Safe Church Ministry
    by Beth Swagman

    In 1994, Synod approved the formation of the abuse prevention ministry. Synod took a brave step because it could not have anticipated all that followed. In truth, no one knew what God had in store for the CRCNA.

    Disability Concerns, Advocacy, Pastor Search Committees
    Leadership by Ministers with Disabilities
    by Miriam Spies

    What keeps many people with a disability from being considered for a leadership position? I've included a video that raises awareness about how pastoral search teams can discriminate against leaders with a disability.

    Global Mission
    How Important Is a Church?
    by Benjamin and Tricia Groenewold Van Dyke

    We cannot be the hands and feet of Christ to the world without being connected to the body of Christ.

    Being Human
    by Lis Van Harten

    People expect a lot from their pastor - often far too much. What we sometimes fail to remember is that they, like us, are human.

    Classis, Worship
    Classis as a Worshiping Community
    by Al Postma

    What does it mean for a classis to worship and pray as a community of churches?

    Faith Nurture
    Seriously, You're the Greatest!
    by Scott Hoezee

    Scripture and the church have always taken a dim view of flattery also because it perpetuates the deadliest of the Seven Deadly Sins: pride. Flattery, in short, is deadly for the giver and the receiver.

    Deacons, Stewardship, Ministry in Canada
    Becoming a Greener Church - Caring for God's Creation (Part 3)
    by Diaconal Ministries Canada

    It is our Christian responsibility to care for God's creation, which not only includes personally in our homes, but also corporately, in our churches. So whose job is it to lead the charge in our churches? It's YOURS, Deacons!

    Disability Concerns, Advocacy, Attitudes
    Videos and Discussion Questions: Let's Talk About Disability
    by Miriam Spies

    Often we are changed in and by our relationships with people with disabilities and their families. Consider these videos a glimpse into their lives and an invitation to deepen relationships in your congregation and community.

    Ecumenical & Interfaith, Global Mission
    Diaspora Ministry
    by Greg Sinclair

    Introducing Resonate's diaspora ministry initiative and our Montreal consultation.

    Disability Concerns, Attitudes, Vision
    Roundup of Webinars From Disability Concerns
    by Miriam Spies

    Topics include children and youth with disabilities, mental health issues, ways of showing welcome that go beyond physical accessibility, and more. Here they are in one post for your convenience.


    Ministry Q&As

    Check out the latest ministry questions posted on The Network:

    Church Positions

    Check out the latest church and ministry openings on The Network:

    More Posts

    Check out the latest Resources, Discussion Topics and other posts on The Network: 

    Need Ministry Help?
    If you're involved in a church ministry and wondering if your denomination can help with something, just:



    from any page on crcna.org or The Network

    We're here to serve, and would love to connect you with people and resources to support your church's ministry.

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    1700 28th Street SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49508-1407 | 3475 Mainway, Burlington, ON L7R 3Y8

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