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  • Again, Boko Haram kills soldiers
    By Azimazi Momoh Jimoh and Nkechi Onyedika-
    Ugoeze, Abuja
    06 May 2019 | 4:05 am
    Silhouette of Islamists extremists, Boko
    Haram. PHOTO : Bloomberg News
    Five soldiers have been killed as troops
    of the Nigerian military clashed with
    Boko Haram fighters in Magumeri
    village, Borno State .
    The report is coming amid deterioration
    in the nation ’s security as bandits
    unleash a wave of kidnappings and
    murders across states .
    “ During the encounter , the terrorists
    suffered heavy losses . Unfortunately, five
    soldiers paid the supreme price, ” said a
    statement by Colonel Ezindu Idima ,
    Deputy Director Army Public Relations ,
    Sector 3 Operation Lafiya Dole, yesterday.
    “ Troops of Sector 3 Operation Lafiya Dole
    deployed at Forward Operation Base
    (FOB) Magumeri , Borno State , had a
    fierce encounter with Boko Haram
    terrorists on May 3, 2019. The criminals
    came in their numbers to infiltrate
    Magumeri village , to loot food items and
    other valuables . But the indefatigable
    troops effectively thwarted the terrorists ’
    plan through superior firepower .
    “ The gallant troops exterminated scores
    of the insurgents and many escaped with
    gunshot wounds . A pursuit and clearance
    operation has been sustained to deal
    with the remaining fleeing criminals.
    Recall that the Multi National Joint Task
    Force (MNJTF) launched Operation
    Yancin Tafki in February this year. The
    operation has denied the terrorists
    freedom of action and access to
    foodstuffs and other logistics , which
    forced them to resort to looting
    vulnerable communities and villages for
    food stuffs and other necessities ,” Idima
    Read More: Army refutes killing of troops in
    He added : “ Troops have continued to
    intensify vigilance and high level of
    alertness to deny the bandits freedom of
    action. ”
    Decrying the state of insecurity , the
    Nigerian Baptist Convention (NBC ) called
    on the Federal Government and security
    agencies to act quickly and checkmate
    the trend .
    It regretted that law enforcement
    agencies seemed helpless , even as it
    claimed that areas once liberated from
    Boko Haram have begun to fall back into
    the hands of the terrorists .
    In a statement issued at the end of its
    106th Annual Session, the NBC stated: “ It
    is an understatement to say that there
    are security challenges in Nigeria today .
    We observed with disappointment the
    unchecked attack on both Nigerians and
    foreigners due to terrorist and various
    criminal activities in the country . The
    news is filled on a daily basis with sad
    stories of terrorist and other criminal
    attacks carried out by Boko Haram,
    Fulani herdsmen, bandits and other
    criminal groups, resulting in
    kidnappings, bloodshed , rape, ritual
    killings and destruction of property in all
    parts of Nigeria .”
    The statement by the Chairman of the
    Resolution Committee Prof . S . Akinlolu
    Fagbemi, said: “ It is unfortunate that
    despite various promises by government
    on the release of Leah Sharibu and other
    people in the custody of the Islamic
    terrorists , the lady is yet to be released.
    Premised on the foregoing , we implore
    the Federal Government to uphold the
    sanctity of life and protect the property
    of Nigerians .”
    The Peoples Democratic Party (PDP )
    meanwhile has charged the army and
    other security agencies to track down
    political Soldiers , mercenaries and thugs
    allegedly smuggled into the country by
    the All Progressives Congress (APC) with
    which “ the ruling party unleashed
    violence on the nation to facilitate its
    rigging of the 2019 general elections .”
    In a statement by its national publicity
    secretary, Kola Ologbondiyan , the PDP
    said it had in the past raised the alarm
    “ when the APC, seeing that it could not
    win in a free , fair and credible election,
    compromised our territorial borders to
    bring in political mercenaries from other
    countries to participate in their campaign
    rallies, as well as assist them in
    perpetrating violence .
    “ Nigerians can also recall how APC
    agents unleashed unbridled violence on
    voters in Kano, Kaduna , Rivers , Kogi ,
    Taraba, Adamawa and other states of the
    federation to muscle votes for its
    candidates , particularly in the
    presidential election ; and how the APC
    leadership stood in staunch defence of
    the compromising of our territorial
    borders as well as the violence that
    characterised the elections.”
    According to the PDP , “ the APC has not
    been able to state the whereabouts of
    these thugs after the elections, a
    development that has raised fears that
    they filtered deeper into our national
    territory and population, given the
    escalation of banditry and associated acts
    of violence in many of our states ,
    including Zamfara, Borno, Yobe , Taraba,
    Kaduna, Katsina, among others, after the
    The party restated its demand for an
    investigation into the alleged link
    between the APC and the ugly security
    situation in the country .
    “ This is particularly as the APC is now
    overweighed by public disapproval and
    opprobrium for rigging the election . And
    being faced with huge legitimacy
    challenges ahead, it could resort to all
    manner of shenanigans just to divert
    public attention from its odious status ,”
    the PDP said.
    In this article:
    Adamawa APC Boko Haram Borno
    Kaduna Kano Kogi
    Kola Ologbondiyan Nigeria Army
    Operation Lafiya Dole PDP Rivers’
    Taraba Yobe Zamfara
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