Return to the Lord your God, for he is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love. This familiar Scripture text from the book of Joel will be used in many of our worship services over the next few weeks as we enter into this season of Lent. We are approaching the second anniversary of the arrival of the Covid-19 pandemic and many churches are still experiencing restrictions and changing guidelines. Many have not returned to the building. Many are still online. We do not know what this season will bring. This e-news has resources designed to be flexible and adaptable for your particular context so you have options to make changes if needed. In the midst of instability, may we all return to the Lord our God. | | | | A Service After the Tradition of Lessons and Carols Patterned after a traditional Lessons and Carols service, this Holy Week service could be done on Palm Sunday or at a mid-week gathering with many options for adaptation to your context. A service in this format gives many options depending on the size of your gathering, your available musicians and your usual Holy Week traditions. | | | | | | Why, When and How of Confession This liturgy was created for home worship at the start of the Covid 19 pandemic. Recognizing that there are still many who worship at home, consider offering this service as an option in your Lenten planning. It could be an excellent mid-week gathering, or adapted for use during Holy Week. | | | | | | Why, When and How of Confession If you are a church following the Revised Common Lectionary, this article has resources for confession and assurance all based on Scripture passages in Year C. Author John Paarlberg speaks to why confessing our sins is “not just an expression of guilt, but an expression of our awareness of the presence and the holiness of God.” | | | | | | | Articles and resources in this eNewsletter marked with are premium content for Reformed Worship subscribers. They are available to non-subscribers until November 30, 2021. To access premium content at the Reformed Worship website and our digital library, please subscribe today. | | | | Worship planning Resources | | | Reformed Worship has rich resources for preachers and worship planners whose worship services follow the Lectionary. Check out this chart for Year C resources for the rest of the liturgical year. | | As you begin planning your Holy Week services, unsure of what restrictions will still be in place, how many will attend and what you’ll be able to pull off, take a look at this resource for a Maundy Thursday stations of the cross adaptable for any size group. Read more » | | This stations of the cross service was designed to be done in small groups, walking from space to space in an interactive way. This could be adapted to multiple locations within your building or even outdoors. Read more » | | Don’t forget the most current issue of Reformed Worship (Issue 143, March 2022) filled with resources and ideas for Ascension and Pentecost. Read more » | Paid advertisements | | | | | | | | | | Be reminded that your active waiting is an act of worship. The whole purpose of worship is to turn our eyes to the hills from where our help comes. | | | | | | | | In a way none of us imagined, it turns out that these weekly pages have been a lifeline of sorts, folded into a paper airplane and sent soaring over the fences. | | | | | | | | In my margin notes I wrote, “How comforting to hear an incarnation every week.” And comfort it was until all of the sudden it was my responsibility to be the preacher picking out the human words to clothe the word of God. | | | | | | Subscribe to our award-winning quarterly worship journal and be able to read articles with this symbol: | You are receiving Reformed Worship updates because you are a current or past subscriber to our print magazine, signed up on the website, or asked to be subscribed to the mailing list. Copyright © 2022 Worship Ministries, Christian Reformed Church in North America. All rights reserved. | | | |
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