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  • New Posts on The Network | Ministry Questions Seeking Answers
  • Network Newsletter 9.1.20

    Ministry Questions Seeking Answers

    In the past month, several new ministry questions have been posted on topics such as meaningful giving, creating a COVID policy, and celebrating a pastor who is leaving. Browse the latest questions and post a response. You just might make someone’s day!

    Featured Posts
    Community Engagement, Global Mission
    Walk This Way
    by Bruce Gritter

    Loving, helping, and healing people take time. And that is what walking gives you.

    Children's Ministry, Church Coaching
    Clarity, Not Certainty
    by Trudy Ash

    Here are stories of how two churches prioritized the goal of including children in Sunday morning worship and got creative in this uncertain time.

    Church Admin & Finance, Finance, Contributions, Pastors, Financial Shalom, Stewardship
    5 Leadership Qualities For A Financially Healthy Church
    by Phillip Leo

    Watch as Phil Leo director of Church Communications at Barnabas Foundation hosts John Bolt, director of finances and operations for CRCNA, in a discussion about the difference leaders make when it comes to the financially healthy church.

    Safe Church, Policy & Prevention, Sexual Abuse
    August Safe Church Webinar: Boz Tchividjian
    by Safe Church Ministry

    Enjoy the recording of the webinar, resources Boz noted, and a recap of the event.

    Safe Church, About Safe Church Ministry
    Abuse Awareness Sunday - Sept. 27, 2020
    by Safe Church Ministry

    Abuse Awareness Sunday provides an opportunity for churches to bring abuse, which affects so many of us directly or indirectly, into the light.

    Faith Practices
    Introducing the Faith Practices Project
    by Faith Formation Ministries

    Faith Formation Ministries announces the Faith Practices Project—a journey into twelve spiritual disciplines.

    Faith Nurture, Family Ministry
    New Video: God Will Cover You
    by Ron VandenBurg

    In this Kids in Action video, seven-year-old Olivia hands out protective masks to people who experience homelessness.

    Disability Concerns, Accessibility, Advocacy
    Disability Concerns Leadership Training Event 2020 Recap
    by Disability Concerns

    Disability Concerns Ministry hosted their first fully online Leadership Training Event this year! It was a very successful event that focused on the theme of agility.

    Faith Practices, Family Ministry
    5 Ways to Practice Sabbath With Kids
    by Faith Formation Ministries

    Here are five great ways families can practice sabbath together, brought to you from the Dwell at Home series of resources for families and the Faith Practices Project.

    Biblical Justice, Racial Reconciliation
    The NBA Is Better at Lament Than We in the CRC Are
    by Eric Nykamp

    This morning I saw how the NBA is handling the shooting of Jacob Blake by refusing to play and go on as if all is normal. I thought, "The NBA is better at lament than we are."

    Church Renewal, Best Practices, Pastors
    The History of the Crossroads Discernment Toolkit
    by Pastor Church Resources

    Designed to equip churches for Spirit-led, group-engaged, mission-oriented discernment, the Crossroads Discernment Toolkit was birthed out of a unique collaboration between Resonate Global Mission and the CRCNA's Pastor Church Resources.

    Children's Ministry, Dwell Curriculum, Faith Nurture
    A Leader's Guide to DWELL Flex: Everything You Need to Prepare and Lead a Session
    by Jill Benson

    Dwell Flex is a new multi-age, multi-setting version of Dwell. This post includes some important details leaders will want to keep in mind as they begin using this resource.

    Children's Ministry, Dwell Curriculum, Faith Nurture
    A Coordinator's Guide to DWELL Flex: Everything You Need to Know to Equip Your Leaders
    by Jill Benson

    Dwell Flex is a new multi-age, multi-setting version of Dwell. This post includes important details Dwell coordinators will want to keep in mind as they equip their leaders to use this resource.

    Faith Nurture, Worship, Special Topics, Justice
    Is Your Liturgy Political?
    by Larry Doornbos

    Kaitlyn Scheiss' book, The Liturgy of Politics: Spiritual Formation for the Sake of our Neighbor, helps us think through how to be formed for living well in the political sphere.

    Safe Church, Policy & Prevention
    Safe Church Amid COVID-19: Resources for Youth Ministry, Social Media, and Online Streaming
    by Safe Church Ministry

    Safe Church highlights resources for Youth Ministry, Social Media, and Online Streaming.


    Ministry Q&As

    Check out the latest ministry questions posted on The Network:

    Church Positions

    Check out the latest church and ministry openings on The Network:

    More Posts

    Check out the latest Resources, Discussion Topics and other posts on The Network: 

    Need Ministry Help?
    If you're involved in a church ministry and wondering if your denomination can help with something, just:



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