Submit Your Ministry Questions Looking for input on a ministry question? Curious about a resource or a book? Submit your question and we will post it for you. To date, over 95 percent of questions have been answered! Featured Posts Global Mission, Youth Ministry When Your Summer Mission Trip Is Cancelled by Randy Bohl While you can't replace the opportunity to serve, here are a few ideas to connect your youth with ministry in another city, culture, or country. Faith Nurture, Pastors The God Who Heals by Lloyd Wolters All around us and within us are the bitter waters of human sin and misery. Many people today still complain to human leadership. But we must remember the One who hears and heals. Faith Nurture From a Garden to a City: Looking Forward With Hope by Jill Benson Often, we make the mistake of looking back for hope instead of forward. In pain, we long for a garden when God has promised us a city. Disability Concerns, Congregational Care Disability Concerns Canada Conference Re-Imagined by Disability Concerns The conference was scheduled for April 25 at Community CRC in Kitchener, ON. Now it will be hosted as a series on Thursdays in October at 12 pm Eastern. Join us! Faith Nurture Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand by Sandra Griffith This is a story I made up based on the miracle of Jesus feeding the five thousand (Matthew 14:13-21; Mark 6:30-44; Luke 9:10-17; John 6:1-15) after I heard a song on the radio "What If I Gave All." Church Renewal, Fresh Ideas, Community Engagement Review: N.T. Wright "God and the Pandemic" by Larry Doornbos N.T. Wright is less concerned about the "why" of the Pandemic and more concerned about the "what" of the Christian response. Disability Concerns On Turning 60 by Ruth Valencia My mom told me when I was a teenager that doctors weren't at all sure what my future held, probably early-onset arthritis, premature aging, perhaps an early death. Children's Ministry, Youth Ministry, Youth Leader Training Series Keeping Children Safe in a Virtual World by Guy Russ How do we keep children safe in this virtual landscape? Here are some tips for churches and schools. Faith Nurture Loving Extravagantly by Trudy Prins Like Simon, perhaps our careful observances of rule and decorum lead to pride that keeps us from acknowledging the fact that all that we have is a gift. Racial Reconciliation Labels Matter by Sue Foster What can we learn about each other when we look beyond the surface? Disability Concerns Sitting Down With Author Amy Julia Becker by Disability Concerns White Picket Fences: Turning toward Love in a World Divided by Privilege, by author Amy Julia Becker, is a must-read today as we look at the topics of race, disability, and privilege. Disability Concerns, Advocacy Terry DeYoung Receives Henri Nouwen Award by Disability Concerns Disability Concerns Ministry congratulates Terry DeYoung, coordinator of the Disability Concerns ministry for the RCA, on receiving the 2020 Henri Nouwen Award. Church Renewal, Fresh Ideas, Leadership Development, Mission/Vision Church Now Conversation With Ed Stetzer by Larry Doornbos In the first of the Church Now conversations, Ed Stetzer spoke about the church's response to COVID-19 and the killing of George Floyd. Biblical Justice Do Justice Podcast by Office of Social Justice The Office of Social Justice is excited to share the launch of the Do Justice podcast! Be sure to subscribe today for conversations on justice with fantastic guests. | Ministry Q&As Check out the latest ministry questions posted on The Network: Church Positions Check out the latest church and ministry openings on The Network: More Posts Check out the latest Resources, Discussion Topics and other posts on The Network: Need Ministry Help? If you're involved in a church ministry and wondering if your denomination can help with something, just: We're here to serve, and would love to connect you with people and resources to support your church's ministry. Follow us! 
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