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  • Youth empowerment is a process where children
    and young people are encouraged to take charge
    of their lives. They do this by addressing their
    situation and then take action in order to
    improve their access to resources and transform
    their consciousness through their beliefs, values,
    and attitudes. [1] Youth empowerment aims to
    improve quality of life. Youth empowerment is
    achieved through participation in youth
    empowerment programs. However scholars
    argue that children’s rights implementation
    should go beyond learning about formal rights
    and procedures to give birth to a concrete
    experience of rights. [2] There are numerous
    models that youth empowerment programs use
    that help youth achieve empowerment. A variety
    of youth empowerment initiatives are underway
    around the world. These programs can be
    through non-profit organizations, government
    organizations, schools or private organizations.
    Youth empowerment is different from youth
    development because development is centered
    on developing individuals, while empowerment is
    focused on creating greater community change
    relies on the development of individual
    capacity. [3]
    Empowerment movements, including youth
    empowerment, originate, gain momentum,
    become viable, and become institutionalized. [1]
    Youth empowerment is often addressed as a
    gateway to intergenerational equity, civic
    engagement and democracy building . Activities
    may focus on youth-led media , youth rights,
    youth councils , youth activism, youth involvement
    in community decision-making, [4] and other
    Elements of
    Empowerment theory
    Empowerment theory focuses on processes that
    enable participation; enhance control through
    shared decision making; and create opportunities
    to learn, practice, and increase skills. [5][6]
    Empowerment theory suggests that engaging
    youth in pro-social, meaningful, and community-
    enhancing activities that the youth themselves
    define and control, helps youth gain vital skills,
    responsibilities, and confidence necessary to
    become productive and healthy adults. [7]
    Types of empowerment
    Youth empowerment examines six interdependent
    dimensions: psychological, community,
    organizational, economic, social and cultural. [1]
    [8] Psychological empowerment enhances
    individual's consciousness, belief in self-efficacy,
    awareness and knowledge of problems and
    solutions and of how individuals can address
    problems that harm their quality of life. [1] This
    dimension aims to create self-confidence and
    give youth the skills to acquire knowledge. [8]
    Community empowerment focuses on enhancing
    the community through leadership development,
    improving communication, and creating a
    network of support to mobilize the community to
    address concerns. [1] Organizational
    empowerment aims to create a base of
    resources for a community, including voluntary
    organizations, unions and associations that aim
    to protect, promote and advocate for the
    powerless. [1] Economic empowerment teaches
    entrepreneurial skills, how to take ownership of
    their assets and how to have income security. [8]
    Social empowerment teaches youth about social
    inclusion and literacy as well as helping kids
    find the resources to be proactive in their
    communities. [8] Cultural empowerment aims to
    recreate cultural practices and redefine cultural
    rules and norms for youth. [8] Through these
    dimensions of empowerment, programs can
    work on empowering youth in one or more
    aspects of their lives.
    Goals of empowerment
    Youth empowerment programs are aimed at
    creating healthier and higher qualities of life for
    underprivileged or at-risk youth. [1] The five
    competencies of a healthy youth are: (1) positive
    sense of self, (2) self- control, (3) decision-
    making skills, (4) a moral system of belief, and
    (5) pro-social connectedness. Developmental
    interventions and programs have to be anchored
    on these competencies that define positive
    outcomes of healthy youth. [1]
    Measurable empowerment
    Over the last two decades, quality of life (QOL)
    has emerged as an important unit of
    measurement to evaluate the success of
    empowerment programs. [1] It is used as a goal
    of programs and as well as an indicator of
    effectiveness. However, there is no standard
    definition of QOL. A person's QOL is dependent
    upon subjective evaluation of the individual
    aspects of that individual's life. [1]
    Positive development settings
    Youth empowerment programs thrive in positive
    developmental settings. Positive developmental
    settings promote youth competence, confidence
    and connections. [9] Two features of the positive
    developmental youth settings are supportive
    relationships and support for efficacy and
    mattering. Supportive relationships are those that
    are between youth and non-familial adults that
    foster trust and respect. Support for efficacy and
    mattering specifically focuses on youth being
    active, instrumental agents of change in their
    communities, collective decision-making and
    adults listen to and respect their voice. [9]
    Youth empowerment
    There are various types of empowerment
    programs across the globe that empower youth
    through many different tactics and programs.
    Programs can operate in a variety of settings.
    The majority of programs operate in more than
    one setting, which may be a key factor in their
    success. [10] The beneficial outcomes to youth
    empowerment programs are improved social
    skills, improved behavior, increased academic
    achievement, increased self-esteem and
    increased self-efficacy. [11]
    There are programs are aimed at just
    empowering women and young girls. Regardless
    of specific goals or methods, empowering
    effects include improving women’s wellbeing,
    self-esteem, and self-efficacy, and enhancing
    social status by teaching technical and
    organizational skills. [8]
    Other youth empowerment programs are focused
    on poverty alleviation. Living standards are for
    those living in poverty are declining causing
    forms of deprivation as it relates to food,
    resources and education. [12] Programs aimed at
    empowering poor youth, work toward livelihood
    protection or livelihood promotion. [12]
    There are also empowerment movements that
    use the social action model , aiming for
    disadvantaged people to become empowered,
    organized, and educated so that they may create
    change. [1] These programs advocate for
    constructive confrontations to enhance the social
    power of people who are considered
    disadvantaged. Another model is the 5C's model
    that focuses on emphasizing competence,
    confidence, connection, character and caring. [13]
    A sixth C of contribution to society was later
    added. [13] This model focuses primarily on
    engagement as a key marker of positive youth
    development, emphasizing the need to foster
    initiative. Youth-adult partnerships are another
    type of empowerment method used around the
    world. This method has been defined as a
    developmental process and a community
    practice. The partnership involves people of
    different ages working together on community
    issues over a period of time. [9] The method
    emphasizes reciprocity among adults and youth
    with a focus on shared decision making and
    reflective learning. The concept of shared control
    is key for empowering youth.
    Youth empowerment has also been used as a
    framework to prevent and reduce youth
    violence. [7][14] Research shows that these youth
    empowerment programs can improve conflict
    avoidance and resolution skills, increase group
    leadership skills, and civic efficacy [14] and
    improve ethnic identity and reduce racial
    conflict. [15]
    Examples of youth empowerment
    Around the globe there are various
    empowerment programs focused on a wide
    variety of things and this is not a comprehensive
    list. Unsuccessful youth empowerment programs
    have not been carefully documented or published
    in case studies. [1]
    In India, Youth Empowerment Foundation, a not
    for profit organization is focused at uplifting the
    underprivileged young generation of the society
    right from providing them with basic education to
    create a strong foundation for their careers, to
    developing personality skills, because the youth
    is the future of the country.
    In Namibia, one popular empowerment program
    is Pots of Hope. Pots of Hope's main goal is to
    reduce the vulnerability youth to HIV and Aids
    through education, information and awareness,
    as well as income security projects. [16] Pots of
    Hope works by educating, and providing
    counseling to those in rural settings who do not
    have access to those resources. [16] This
    program focuses on organizational
    empowerment within the community.
    Youth participating in 4-H, a youth
    empowerment organization primarily in
    the United States.
    Within the United States there are countless
    empowerment programs for youth. Urban 4-H is
    a culturally responsive, community-based
    practice that authentically engages families,
    youth and the community in the development of
    youth. [17] Urban 4-H is an example of
    community empowerment that focuses on the
    economic and social dimensions of
    empowerment. The program helps youth build
    skills to enable them to overcome economic and
    social barriers while recognizing the importance
    of self-directed learning for youth. Urban 4-H
    focuses on empowering youth to think critically,
    communicate across cultural boundaries and
    lead others. [17]
    In India, youth empowerment has been taken up
    by other organizations run by young people.
    Young India Foundation has been working on
    youth empowerment by directly engaging young
    people and electoral politics, a first for an
    organization to do in India. [18]
    The United Nations has numerous development
    programs, one of them being youth
    empowerment programs. The United Nations
    provides support to national policy development
    surrounding empowerment within the five
    regions. [19] They do this by providing evidence-
    based policy guidance and programmatic
    support by promoting the active participation of
    youth in society. The UNDP promotes inclusive
    youth participation in effective and democratic
    governance, economic empowerment of youth,
    strengthened youth engagement in building
    resilience in their communities, inclusion of
    youth in the future development agenda,
    including through consultations and
    discussions. [19] The United Nations youth
    empowerment programs examine all four
    dimensions of youth empowerment and seeks to
    improve all of them.
    USAID has youth empowerment programs set up
    around the world that are aimed at civic
    engagement, access to resources and
    opportunities for education and employment. [20]
    For a more comprehensive list: List of youth
    empowerment organizations
    involvement in
    Youth empowerment is often addressed as a
    gateway to intergenerational equity, civic
    engagement and democracy building . Local,
    state, provincial, regional, national, and
    international government agencies and nonprofit
    community-based organizations provide
    programs centered on youth empowerment. [21]
    Activities involved therein may focus on youth-
    led media , youth rights, youth councils , youth
    activism, youth involvement in community
    decision-making, [4] and other methods.
    Each major political party in the United States,
    including the Republicans, the Democrats , and
    the Green Party, as well as several major
    European, African, South American (Peru), and
    Australian political parties have statements
    supporting youth empowerment. Youth
    empowerment is also a central tenet of the
    United Nations Convention on the Rights of the
    Child, which every country in the world (minus
    the United States and South Sudan ) has signed
    into law.
    United States
    Youth empowerment occurs in homes , at
    schools, through youth organizations , government
    policy-making and community organizing
    campaigns. Major structural activities where
    youth empowerment happens throughout society
    include community decision-making ,
    organizational planning, and education reform.
    Educational activities that cite youth
    empowerment as an aim include student-
    centered learning, popular education, and service
    learning. Free schools and youth-led media
    organizations often state their intention to
    empower youth, as well as youth voice ,
    community youth development , and youth
    leadership programs. Youth empowerment is
    studied by a variety of scholars including Shawn
    Ginwright, Henry Giroux , Barry Checkoway, Mike
    Males and Marc A. Zimmerman . Their research
    is highlighted by advocacy from notable activists
    such as William Upski Wimsatt , Alex Koroknay-
    Palicz, Salome Chasnoff and Adam Fletcher.
    Republic of Ireland
    Main article: Comhairle na nÓg
    In 2002 Comhairle na nÓg was established in
    each local authority area as part of the National
    Children's strategy. Comhairle na nÓg is Irish for
    Youth Council. These councils are encouraged to
    include the participation of young people from
    all walks of life and to tackle local issues
    affecting young people. It is run by the local
    county or city councils under the Office of the
    Minister for Children and Youth Affairs. It is a
    recognized political organisation by the Irish
    Government. An extension of Comhairle na nÓg
    is the Comhairle na nÓg National Executive. The
    National Executive has one "youth councillor"
    from every Comhairle na nÓg and deal with
    issues important to young people. These issues
    are nominated by young people themselves at an
    AGM every two years. The Comhairle na nÓg
    National Executive has the opportunity to express
    there views in a form of a researched report, ad-
    campaign, conferences, seminars and to put
    those views to policy makers.
    The 53 member countries of the Commonwealth
    of Nations have all signed up to the
    Commonwealth Plan of Action for Youth
    Empowerment (2007–2015). The Plan of Action
    underpins the work of the Commonwealth Youth
    Programme (CYP). On the Commonwealth
    definition, "Young people are empowered when
    they acknowledge that they have or can create
    choices in life, are aware of the implications of
    those choices, make an informed decision freely,
    take action based on that decision and accept
    responsibility for the consequences of those
    actions. Empowering young people means
    creating and supporting the enabling conditions
    under which young people can act on their own
    behalf, and on their own terms, rather than at the
    direction of others."
    The Plan of Action for Youth Empowerment was
    developed by the Commonwealth Secretariat ,
    working closely with Ministers of Youth and
    young people themselves. It encourages youth
    mainstreaming and contains thirteen action
    points for governments. The first of these is:
    “Develop and implement measures to promote
    the economic enfranchisement of young people”
    through a range of measures ranging from micro-
    credit and entrepreneurship education through to
    reviewing macro-economic planning and trade
    regimes and how they affect young people. Other
    action points address gender equality, HIV/AIDS,
    education, the environment, youth participation in
    decision-making, and democracy and human
    Benefits of
    When youth participate in established
    empowerment programs they see a variety of
    benefits. The practices of youth involvement and
    empowerment become embedded within the
    organizational culture and the community
    culture. [3] Adults and organizations also benefit
    from empowerment programs. The both become
    more communicable and responsive to youth in
    the community, which leads to program
    improvements as well as increased participation
    from youth. [3]
    Critiques of youth
    One major critique of youth empowerment is that
    most programs take a risk-focused
    approach. [13] There has been a major emphasis
    on what is going wrong for youth in their lives
    rather than what goes right. This portrays young
    people as a problem that need to be fixed, and
    displays the process of development as a
    process of overcoming risk. This may deter
    youth from joining youth development programs.
    The risked-based model can obscure the fact
    that adolescence is a time when young people
    master skills and concepts. [13]
    See also
    List of youth empowerment organizations
    One World Youth Project
    Youth work
    Mature minor doctrine
    Positive Youth Development
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    Further reading
    Harris, A., Wyn, J. & Younes, S. (2010).
    Beyond apathetic or activist youth: ‘Ordinary'
    young people and contemporary forms of
    participation, Young, 18, 1, 9-32.
    Sukarieh, M. & Tannock, S. (2011). The
    positive imperative: a critical look at the ‘new'
    youth development movement, Journal of
    Youth Studies, 14, 6, 675-691.
    Evans S. (2007) Youth Sense of community:
    voice and power in community context,
    Journal of Community Psychology, 35, No. 6,
    Morsillo J., Prilleltensky I. (2007) Social
    Action with youth: interventions, evaluation
    and psychopolitical validity, Journal of
    Community Psychology, 35, No. 6, 725–740
    Tsekoura, M. (2016). Spaces for Youth
    Participation and Youth Empowerment Case
    Studies from the UK and Greece. Young, DOI:
    Zeldin S., Petrokubi, MacNeil C. (2008)
    Youth-Adult Partnerships in Decision Making:
    Disseminating and Implementing an
    Innovative Idea into Established Organizations
    and Communities, American Journal of
    Community Psychology, 41, 262–277.
    Roger A. Hart (2013). Children's Participation:
    The Theory and Practice of Involving Young
    Citizens in Community Development and
    Environmental Care . Routledge.
    ISBN 978-1-134-17222-1 .
    "What works in enhancing social and
    emotional skills development during
    childhood and adolescence?" (PDF). WHO.
    European Commission (2015). Empowering
    young people to participate in society
    (PDF). Publications Office of the European
    Union. ISBN 978-92-79-46640-3 . ( Council of
    Europe and European Union Report )
    Content is available under CC BY-SA 3.0
    unless otherwise noted.
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